" Urhhhh what is this sticky up thing for "
Comedy corner Caption: " Urhhhh what is... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Comedy corner Caption

Knowing what orangutans are like with tools, He is probably saying "Mom, I hit my %&$**& thumb with the hammer" sue

That's so funny sue! Thanx to you & foggy for making me smike yet again, even on bad days. Julie xxx
Julie have you ever watched Monkey life on animal planet? There the staff have to make certain that there is nothing they can get hold of that could possibly be used as a tool. One orangutan that was rescued from s. africa when she got too big for her owners to look after. Spent the first night in her new home undoing all the bolts that held her cage together, and then used the inner cat flap type door that she had unbolted to break the camera.
It took all the maintainence men and Jerermy, the manager all day to fix it and then weld all the bolts on.

Brilliant sue! So intelligent. Wish I'd seen it! Juliexx

I have, I really Charlie the chimp. He is so fascinating as he has mental health issues. He always looks lonely and so vulnerable.
Unfortunatley Ken Lovely Charlie passed away some years ago.

Hi mayrose54
That is really sad, I used to love Charlie. I used to sit and watch it with the kids when they were younger. I have an affiliation with the down trodden and vulnerable, I always want to protect them.
Hope you are feeling really well today?
Ken x
You're very welcome
Hi again foggy how are you ????? For some unknown reason your not getting my messages, hope you are ok I hear you haven't been too good, take care my friend....gentle hugs. ((((( F )))))). :). ....Dee xxx
Hi Dee , I'm sorry, I've checked and can't find a message from you, I'm sorry, it must have appeared unforgivably rude of me, please forgive me
To be honest Dee, I'm back in a big flare and various things keep impacting on me and then my body decides to join in the fun. I've been having big troubles with my idiotic brother and the sale of my fathers' estate. He treats me like a complete child, (given that I am a whole 50 minutes older than him) and knows exactly which buttons to push to make me go over the edge,
Anyway, I shouldn't moan there are many many people with far worse problems than I, so I shouldn't be so selfish.
Sending you many many positive healing vibes and a huge thank you for taking the time to post to me, you are such a special lady
Foggy x
Morning Foggy, I sincerely hope you are feeling a little better today? I have been thinking of you lots and praying for you too!
You are entitled to moan, so moan away! Please don"t think of yourself as Selfish in any way, you are the most unselfish or selfless person, I"ve had the privilege to meet.
In my thoughts & prayers dear friend. Catch you later. Take care. God Bless. Love & (((gentle hugs))) Lynn X <3

Hehehehe love it sue
Oh look, I still have my thumbs. The evil cats haven't got it yet
Beat me to it with the cats!
I went to monkey world and watched for ages as an orang was using a blade of grass to try to move a bit of food close without getting zapped by the electric wire. Full marks for persistence and intelligence. You could see him/her working out what to do and how to do it. I so wanted to help but could not reach it.
I hate you. now I am green with envy. I`ll get there one day even if it means a trip down the m5 on an electric scooter. Mean time i`m not talking to you untill you beg forgivness
Any way It wasn`t Amy you were watching she would have found a way to short out the fence

mmm mmm. pleeeeeeeeeeeese forgive me. Have you ever seen a badger on its knees? No this was just after Anneka Rice inflicted herself on them - so that might date it.
We'll have to arrange a trip, the local countryside is lovely.
soulful badger eyes
ooh Aneka R ice is a swear word there. Have you read Jeremy Keelings book. In it he tells what a farce that was. and how it took them years to finish what they started. especialy as they were suposed to build two new chimp houses and when it became apparent that they would run out of time they left one only half done. Then did a rush job on the other. Neither house was left fit for purpose.

Yeah. Remember them. We were looking in trying to see and a chimp came up and banged on the glass. Served us right. Gave us quite a start.
Saw Wadebrigde new bridge too. It was just to make good tv and the timescale was ridiculous. I understand they massaged the truth a bit as that bridge overran by a lot, too. AND they claimed credit. This may not be true of course.
Nite Paul my skin and muscles are getting painfull espescialey my sit up on
Oh bother the spelling hugs sue
Maybe they stole the thumbs of those cats that catnapped Foggy?
funny picture thanks for sharing.