As discussed, our Mr Badger
Swimming pigs: As discussed, our Mr... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Swimming pigs

Hi lipbalmaddict
I sincerely hope that you are as well as can be? Now then, is this genuine or a hoax photo? Can pigs really swim like that? I know they can't fly as my wife always tells that I can have something from the shops when pigs can fly! (I am always after a new rugby shirt or pair of pumps etc).
You take care
Ken x
Hi Ken,
These pigs really do exist! They live on an uninhibited island in the Bahamas called Big Major Cay (otherwise known as Pig Beach or Pig Island). Legend has it that they were the sole survivors of a shipwreck, and they adapted to Island life over the years, and learnt to swim as a way to cool off, as there was no rain and mud for them to roll in, which is how pigs normally keep cool.
Tourists can visit them by boat, and the pigs have got quite used to being approached now, so it's possible to swim with them. One for the bucket list?
1) bungee jump
2) swim with dolphins
3) fly on Concorde
4) swim with pigs.....
Cool eh?
Alex xx

Awww thanks Alex. Even fibro imagination is not a weird as truth!! If my history serves me right there was something about the Bay of Pigs during the USA v Cuba business some years ago when I was a mere pup.
I think fly on concorde will be very difficult now but follow Branson into space might be a good substitute

Thank you so much for that, I am really amazed by this! It's brilliant. I have shown the post to my wife but she says I still can't have another new rugby shirt!
I have a bucket list but nothing as adventurous as yours!
Hope that you are as well as can be?
Take care
Ken x
Glad you like the info Ken. It was an example bucket list rather than mine - you wouldn't get me bungee jumping! But I would like to swim with pigs! Sorry it didn't sway your wife over the Rugby shirt :(. Did you show her the swimming tiger too? That's real...maybe if we can come up with enough animals that do unexpected party tricks, she will relent? X

Yeah! She loved the swimming tiger! I had two new rugby shirts from M&S a couple of weeks ago but they have a new teal and white collection from the autograph range and she says I must wait for it. That's on my bucket list, to have all M&S rugby shirt range! But I am really good with the big, sad eyes routine so I will get them in the end! Take care x
Learn something new every day, thought pigs flew not swam!!!
Haha, maybe they got to go on Concorde before it was finally grounded?!
Hi Lipbalmaddict, thought i would tell you a bit about concorde. I was a security guard at Heathtow airport in a previous life (pre-fibro that is!) I used to guard concorde and sesrch for bombs etc. It is a tiny little plane and when you stand in the centre aisle you can almost touch either side with outstretched arms, not so good if you are claustraphobic. The seats are very slim with no room to spare and are made of leather, so whole plane smells like a shoe shop! It was a beautiful looking plane inside and out but I dont think it would be an enjoyable flight, I don't think you missed out!