Acupuncture .. After Effects. - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Acupuncture .. After Effects.

charlie_red profile image
8 Replies

Yesterday I started another round of acupuncture at the pain clinic. During the summer I did 10 weeks privately.

The last time I didn't have many after symptoms, slightly achy but nothing too bad.

Three hours after my treatment yesterday I felt extremely faint, was physically sick due to pain and was extremely tender. My vision is also fuzzy and I have a really bad headache.

Is this normal? My pain nurse said that there is a chance that my pain could be increase, but this is a good sign because its means I have good pain receptors & that there is a high chance of it working.

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charlie_red profile image
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8 Replies
TheAuthor profile image

Hi charlie_red

I am so sorry to hear that it didn't work for you. It didn't work for me either, in fact it made me feel quite ill in the same way that you have described. I had mine from a local private chiropractor that my doctor sent me to. He was a lovely bloke and really interested in helping me but it simply made me feel worse. He also gave me several massages that made me ache for days and I became extremely sickly afterwards. I thought it might have just been me but you have said the same as I was feeling so I hope this helps you?

As a matter of interest, it was this chiropractor who then wrote to my doctor saying he thought I had Fibromyalgia!

Take care

Ken x

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to TheAuthor

Oh dear Ken, it sounds a bit odd that you should be referred to a chiropractor by your doctor for acupuncture, unless he is properly qualified in both :o if he is then fine, but if not that would set warning bells ringing for me! I know I will probably be wrong, well actually hopefully will be !! I'm sorry it didn't work for you, I can't have it, so it's not an option for me, but if people find it works that's great for them :-)

Foggy x

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to Fibrofoggiest

Hi Foggy

Many thanks for that. To be honest I haven't got a clue if the chiropractor was qualified or not! My GP Practice have a contract with them so I am presuming that they are qualified but I really should have made inquiries beforehand. They also do other things such as Pilates (not got a clue what it is) but I never had that. Mind you, it was the chiropractor himself that wrote to my GP saying he thought that I had fibro so some good came out of it.

Hope that you are feeling well?

Take care

Ken x

Ginsing profile image

Hi Charlie,

I have had many weeks of acupuncture. To begin with I responded by needing to drink a lot of water and yes I did suffer a little sickness. Then I found after a session I sometime would be light headed. I think it depends which points were being worked upon, which channels your acupuncturist was trying to un -block, it does sound as if your response although unpleasant was promising that the channels are working better.

I found when she worked particularly around my knees my pain levels were greatly reduced and more how can I call it well I had more enthusiasm and energy. I always have one needle at the very top of my head to release negative energy which also stopped head aches after wards.

Dont know if that helps - I hope so - I found it brilliant! But expensive as I went privately.

Take care xxgins

mistymeana profile image

You could be experiencing what we in the reflexology world call a healing crisis. We always warn new clients that there is a possibility they could feel temporarily worse before they feel better and certainly the lightheadedness is one of the symptoms that can occur (fortunately I've never had anyone react badly but everyone is different). I would recommend you try and take it as easy as possible today and drink plenty of water/herbal teas etc. If things haven't improved by the morning ring the clinic and ask the acupuncturist to contact you to advise you. Occasionally they have to get you back in to tweak what they've done. There's every chance this is a one off and future treatments will be fine but do discuss it with the practitioner if you are worried about future treatments rather than just stopping going. Hope the ill effects soon wear off for you xx

jillylin profile image


I hope it works for you. I had mine done at the hospital and it didn't help but I have heard others have had brilliant results.

Good luck.



fibro profile image

I have had many sessions of accupunture but it was only when i sat up afterwards did i feel 'funny'. I woukdnt say i had any side effects. I found it didnt help on tge min part of my body but i was after several sessions able to move my neck again after over five yrs of hardly being able to. It losened up the knotted up muscles.

Sadly now ten years later i could do with more but find it too uncomfortable laying in my side for more than a couple of minutes and cant lay on my front because it hurts my back, otherwise I woukd like to try it again.

whizzkid profile image

I had acupuncture at the local Hospital it was fantastic I really began feeling normal my pain was good. my sleep improved it was great then the Dr changed to a private place it was a lot cheaper apparently to save cost but it was crap pain worsened & on occasions felt sick with a violent headache so I stopped going, this is all I know about the treatment but I have heared of good comments whizz

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