This morning at 7.15am, my dear little sister passed away, aged 53. She had fought cancer and won 2 years ago but this terrible, unforgiving disease came back earlier this year and, sadly, she lost the battle. It would be a blow any time of the year, but today of all days just makes it worse. I have lost all the leaves from my branch now - mum, dad, hubby and sister, all within 10 years. The world feels a lonelier place tonight. But I do have my wonderful daughter and 16 month old grandson who have kept my spirits up today and I thank God for them. I hope everyone here has had a wonderful and joyous day.....Merry Christmas, one and all!!! XXXXX
So Sad: This morning at 7.15am, my dear... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
So Sad

so sorry to hear your sad news .today of all days.i hope having your grandson around made it a happier day fro you as Christmas is a time for children.
Hi Sue,
I'm so sorry to hear your sad news especially on Christmas day. I'm so glad you've got your daughter and little grandson there to comfort you in the days ahead.
It is very true what you say about cancer being unforgiving. We were supposed to have Christmas dinner with my son and daughter-in-law, & our two little grand-daughters & my DILs Mum &Dad were coming over from Australia for Christmas. Her Mum was in remission from cancer and was cleared to travel. She became I'll on the plane &an ambulance met them at Heathrow. At the hospital they said that the cancer was spreading rapidly & there was nothing they could do except provide pain relief. She's now at my my son & DILs & and I don't think she'll last the next 24hrs. She has all her family with her, they have come from SA & Australis to be with her. Its just so sad especially for the little ones who are 4, 2yrs. at Christmas. Her Mum is also 53. They live about 3hrs drive away from us so with that &my Fibro I can't. be of much help to them.
I'm sorry sue, I didn't mean to go on about my problems when you've got your own.
I hope tomorrow will be a brighter day for you, and that with the help of your daughter the days ahead won't be too lonely and sad. My thoughts are with you.
Love GJ xxxx

Don't worry gerryjay, it helps to get it off your chest, especially on here where no one judges you. I pray every night for my sister and for a cure for this most distressing disease. That poor lady was very brave to travel all that way. My sister's cancer returned after a holiday in Morocco, she'd been given the all clear too. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family and with your DIL's family. XXX
So very sorry to hear your sad news. May she RIP. gentle comforting hugs. Bless you and all your family at this very difficult time. Saskia.
Hi there so sorry to hear of your great losses I think as we grow older we seem to experience more and more but as our days pass it gets a little easier too have loving memory's and enjoy those times with those that are still with us, so glad to hear your not alone today and remember we are all here probably not the same but always here. Warm wishes and condolences Lizx
Hi sue, I am so so sorry for your loss, especially on this day, I know to some extent what you must be feeling like, it's almost like you are an orphan, well that is how it's felt for me.
Take heart dear sue, knowing that your dear sister is now free of pain, does she leave a family? My hope for you and for your family is that you have the strength to cope with this. I'm so pleased you've had your daughter and grandson to distract you today, what a good thing. You will need time to come to terms with all this and if we can be of any support in whatever way we can, please do ask us for help, we are all here to help you through this really distressing time !
Sending Christmas wishes and many condolences
Foggy x
Oh, foggy, thank you so much. It was wonderful to be able to write on here just how I was feeling. Everybody feels part of my one ever judges you, and everyone always has the kindest things to say. I felt a fraud really, posting on's not a bereavement page!! But thank you anyway. XXXX
Dear Sue, you really really are not and shouldn't feel a fraud, just because this isn't a bereavement page doesn't matter at all, you are a member of our community here, and that's what matters. I posted at the time of my father's death last year (had a different user name at the time, it was pre-iPad and I changed my name when I re-registered) and everyone here helped me through that and I felt so blessed to have people around who understood and gave support, so in turn now it is our turn to support you.
Take great care of yourself and come whenever you need a bit of a cheer up
Foggy x
So very sorry for your loss Sue.xx
God bless you...hope you ca. Draw strength from your daughter and the little one.take good care.xx
I am so sorry for your loss I too have lost loved ones at christmas and i send you lots of hugs Sue
I'm so sorry to hear this Sue. My heart goes out to you and your family suffering such a loss, but especially at this time of year. Please be assured that everyone on these pages will be sending you empathic thoughts and hope that your sorrow eases somewhat. My prayers are with you, your family and, of course, your dear sister.
Thank you one and all. It is very difficult for me right now, but your kind words and thoughts have lifted me this morning. Needless to say my fibro is in volcanic mode at the's difficult for me to move around, I'm in so much physical pain. But it will improve, I know, I just have to give it time.
Once again, thank you all for your messages of kindness. XXXXXXXX
So sorry to hear of your lost. Hugs xx
So sad and especially at this time of year. My thoughts are with you x
Hi Sue
I am so sorry to hear of your sad loss. May I offer to you and your loved ones my deepest condolences.
Ken x
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. My Father died of cancer in May only a few months after being diagnosed. It's about time more research was done into this terrible illness. My thoughts are with you at this time X
Hi Sue. I'm sending you a special hug. Xxxx