Gabapentin: Hi there everyone, i have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Shazzzy profile image
23 Replies

Hi there everyone, i have been taking this for last three weeks, gone from one a day to two, suposed to go up tothree but finding its making me so sleepy. Taking it for migraines /fibro pain, does the tiredness go away? Will i get used to it?

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Shazzzy profile image
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23 Replies
linlit profile image

yes you do get used to it i have been on it for 2 years now.

i changed gp last year and he slowly increased gabapentin and redused the large amount of morphine tablets i was on i now take 700mg of gabapentin 3 times a day and have stopped morphine tablets and feel a bit better so give them a chance


Ginsing profile image

Yes it will soon go away and just do what it is intended for, So hang on in there and take the snoozes while you can.


punkrockchick profile image

I had to come of mine this year awaiting assessment for my meds nearly caused my mum a accident while she was driving my body went limp and I fell into her she nearly crashed car not agreeing with me at all knocks me for six like and been on them for years anyone know why that be at the moment I'm on pain patches aspirin and balcofen and a tablet that helps my chronic head aches has anyone else had this experience gave me and my mum a right fleg so GP took me off it it does make u very tired like everyone says Hun enjoy the rest I'm awaiting on Being seen by pain clinic again I have a huge problem with how servere my fibro is I can't get time out from pain causing me despair good thing is I have told my docs how much I struggle just a waiting game to be seen at Aberdeen and no one here in my town will see me got to wait for that appointment they won't go near me I feel so stuck haven't been on here for while gentle hugs everyone xx

bbstport profile image

i have been taking 3 x 300mg doses a day for several months the tiredness does reduce but ifind it can still make me tired - I am also on zomorph tramadol amitryptaline paracetamol etc

tracypom profile image

It was to much for me, my mom is my carer and I kept losing my balance, I could not string words together I slept a lot but didn't feel any better, the headaches were hell, gabapentin didn't suit me.

skit profile image

I used to take Gabapentin But changed in favour of pregabelin since the side affects of one against the other made it a good choice for me.Not everyone is the same.I have Versatis pain patches too which are very useful as Ican decide which area need a boost in the pain reducing game. Good luck!

Pennie1 profile image

Hi, I'm on a very high dose of gabapentin, I take 2 x 600mg 3 times a day, on three occasions I've tried to come off them with my gps support but after a week of reducing them my muscle pain came back with a vengeance so I've decided to go back on the higher dose, they do make me slightly drowsy but you get used to it. I also take morphine tablets and liquid for break through pain . Good luck with how you go with your medications, I know it's a bit of a minefield and very daunting but keep your chin up xxxxxxx:)

MNGrandma profile image
MNGrandma in reply to Pennie1

Pennie1 The distress you had when you tried to stop was a rebound effect of your body detoxing. Long term use of medications do that. Often, esp the elderly, are hospitalized for a week of detoxing their current medications. Sometimes it takes longer, and they go into a healthcare facility for long term care. It is like filling your sink with garbage and soon the drain is plugged. It may take a plumber a lot time to clean it out. Same reasoning. What does go in has to clear the system. Just knowing the half life cycle of your meds you take will help. I use metformin for my diabetes, and use it morning/night. BUT it has a 72 hour life cycle, that is 3 days before it would clear the body. Some of these medications can take weeks.

As an example: to rid marijuana from your blood system, it is 56 days. Medications create pockets in the brain to hide in. Seeing an MRI of someone on these long term shows a brain with diminished tissue areas.

I had to stop taking cholesterol statins, was on for 6 years. Took 7 weeks of horrible pain to detox. My worst FMS flares. We poison our systems with the help of drug companies. And that is sad. FMS is hard enough to have without others comfortably making millions off of us.


I took 3 600mg at night to help me sleep when I was working but after a year it stoped working for me. Had extreme insomnia. After I got Fibro, I started taking pain meds and they helped me sleep. Also when I could not work du e to my Fibro i could sleep when I was finally exhausted. After being off of them for 9 months I was told to go back on them to help my pain. It now makes me tired again but does not help with the pain.

MNGrandma profile image
MNGrandma in reply to

I had to switch to melatonin 3 mg back in 1990s. My pharmacist said GETTING to sleep is not the same as DRUGGING to sleep. The body knows. Our bodies make the melatonin but as we age, we deplete. Reason why babies sleep good and elderly tend to run on less. The body supply lessens. It is made in a pineal gland.

Use of these listed drugs listed sent me into another world I was not willing to stay in. I was never on more than 1 at a time. My pharmacist said they should not be used together due to side effects. Horrible lengths of sleep, nightmares, not really knowing if I was having pain (that is the direction of these fool the brain that you indeed, do not hurt.) Altered status was not how I was going to live my life. My sister, also FMS, had a whole mess of meds, in her altered status, smashed her car terrible, was in an altered state for along time....while in hospital, they did not give her the 'mess of meds' and she detoxed. She lost her memory for a few days, some never came back. This was during the detox. And to this day, lives in a world where she can't always have her facts straight....was it real or a dream, etc AND the doctors feel these meds piled together were the cause of her heart attack as well as the mental status. She lost her home, her son. She reasons with everyone WHY she should have these drugs all back. Scary.


Fermerwill profile image

I take three 600 - three times a day . Body used to them have been on them for five years

ladyship profile image

Maureen ~~

I have taken gabapentin.It help take the pain away but it made me very tired , also i put on a tremendous amount of weight. I went to the pain clinic for the first time last week the lady agreed with all the medication i am taking.then it was suggested that i also take Magnesium tablets ( only £1.00 for 30 ).Giving it time to work it has boosted my energy level and also it is helpful to the groth of my bones.The energy factor of magnesium is that it helps turn food into energy.Hope this some of you.

MNGrandma profile image
MNGrandma in reply to ladyship

Ladyship, if you are finding the magnesium working, which is helps greatly with muscle pain, try adding malic acid with it. Many combination products out there. Malic acid in conjunction will give you much more relief. I have used this since 1994. 500 mg magnesium and then 1 800 mg malic acid twice a day. You can split the mag to 250 twice a day as well. Bedtime is good time to take magnesium.


barbpho profile image

I had been taking gabapentin for 6yrs came off them as they didn't seem to be doing me much good after 6 Months GP put be back on it. I then developed a terrible tremor couldn't hold a cup or sit up properly I seemed to have no control of my muscles. Went to see a specialist at the hospital as soon as he saw my list of medication. He said stop the Gabapentin straight away. The tremors have nearly gone but this is 2 yrs down the line. I still get them quite bad if I get nervous or worked up but otherwise I have more control of them. The Doc said as my illness had changed so had my tolerance to the medication

mimiwen profile image

I was prescribed 1800mg of gabapentin a day but I've never been able to tolerate more than 900. They make my migraines worse if I take more than that. I find sumatriptan are the most helpful med for migraine anyway, as long as you catch it early. I usually take 800mg of gabapentin a day, that helps me function in spite of the pain. I prefer to be in pain and able to think straight!

Shazzzy profile image

Thank you very much for all your help, will persevere in hope, i do find it helpd muscle pain.

moonstonebright profile image

Hi Shazzzy, I'm sure you'll get used to it. I have 900 mg 3xday and it doesn't make me drowsy at all now.

Good Luck!


carmad profile image

yes,you will get used to them,l broke my neck and was on 3,600 ml.grams a that is strong, they made me sort of drunk for 3 days,so couldn't go out,but after that was fine,was on that for a few years,then it was like taking smarties so they changed to pregabalin,but again like smarties,so l came off them,,take care.

angespicenice profile image

It will get better I take a lot more than that the effect wears of quickly tho so u need to keep getting it highered uo

angiebaby profile image

hi shazzy im on gabapentin it makes me drowsy to but you do kind of get used to it after a few days if it doesnt go back to your gp

Lurganlass profile image

No your sleepiness does not go away, I'm supposed to take 900mg, but I don't as I'd never be awake. I don't think anyone gets used to be sleepy all the time. I'm taking Gabapentin for Fibro pain, but I haven't felt any benefit from taking these, my Dr refuses to give me anything else, other than Paracetamol, 800. They don't work either

angelfishhome profile image

I have tried to increase gabapentin from 900 a day but find that it increases my fatigue. It does however help me to decrease the amount of pain relief I have to take. Difficult to determine whether the pain relief is worth the increase in fatigue. Tried to increase gabapentin but find fatigue too much Hope you find it helpful

batleysmum profile image

Hi,I used it and just couldn't sleep at all! I had alarming side effects unfortunately and had to stop it. The tiredness should hopefully pass. Good luck xx

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