A change in tablets for me colecalcif... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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A change in tablets for me colecalciferol 50,000 units vitamin d low amitriptyline to help me sleep , do anyone else take these tablets

elbeth profile image
34 Replies
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34 Replies
TheAuthor profile image

Hi elbeth

I am really sorry but I don't personally take them. However, it is widely used for sufferers of MS. There was a brilliant documentary on the Al Jazeera news network about 2 weeks ago by a reporter who has MS. We watched it as my wife has primary progressive MS. The vitamin d appears to be a contributor in MS related illnesses and it was shown on the documentary whereby the further you were from the equator the more likely you were to have MS. Of course this is sunlight benefit of vitamin d. There are several websites online whereby doctors talk about the difficulty of diagnosing both MS and Fibromyalgia and of course, many of the symptoms are very similar. Such as fatigue, depression, body pain,loss of balance etc. I hope this is of some use to you? Probably not?

However, I hope that the medication works great for you and would be interested to know how you get on with it? I am personally on nortriptyline as I have chronic breathing difficulties and cannot really take anything with a sedative included.

You take care and good luck

Ken (the author) x

elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to TheAuthor

Hi ken thank you for your reply , I had gone to my g p with unbearable pain , had a blood test, it is showing vitamin d very low , my g p now is unsure if i have fibo but after reading post hear i would say i feel much the same. Thank you for sharing a little about your self & your wife take care, Elizabeth

in reply to elbeth

vitamin d was my stinker too. It takes some time to get that one up.

There should be a large loading dose and then once it's at an

acceptable level, they lower it.

elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to

Thank you for your reply and i hope your feeling better Elizabeth

coetzeegisela profile image
coetzeegisela in reply to

How to get this done!?

elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to coetzeegisela

Thank you

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Hi elbeth, I don't take colecalciferol but I do take calcium and Vit D for osteoporosis. I have also found amitriptyline helps me with sleep, though not all the time, as it's now 4.30 and I'm wide awake, but from most of what I have read and heard amitriptyline is a very useful drug for helping with sleep and has the added effect of helping decrease anxiety. you may find that your doctor starts you off on a low dose and then gradually increases it, until you find the point at which it works for you.

I wish you well in finding something to help you. :-)

Foggy x

in reply to Fibrofoggiest

amitriptyline is one prescription that made my dad withdraw

from the world..How is that one working out for you? Give me

gallons of it if it reduces anxiety..I just finished my work first now.

I worked 15 hours today with a 3 hour break but otherwise I have

been planted in a chair for this long..since 4am. It's 11pm over

in the USA...I need some help sleeping really bad. I am not tired.

and I have to get up at 4 am to start working early..I wish that

I would just get tired soon..Drugs make me toss, turn and I

get kind of panic feelings from the dizzy..everyone is long asleep

at my house..= /

elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to

Thank you for your reply , what kind of work do you do, i understand how it feels when all the house old go to bed and sleep , missing out on i can't stay awake just sleeping make you relaxed try to change your pattern of the evening it might help Elizabeth

in reply to elbeth

I work with numbers all day long for a medical company.

I see them in my sleep. I don't know what's going on with

me that I cannot sleep more than 3 hours a night...I should

be dead after so many months of this..when I want to sleep

my legs keep wanting to find a comfortable spot...Sometimes

it's so bad that I have to stand up and walk around..it

wakes me up completely..as in wide awake..Sometimes

I get an hour nap in when lack of sleep makes me goofy..

I am going out to a hockey game tonight..It's always rowdy

so there will be no chance of falling asleep...I am giving up

on watching television..I fall asleep if I sit down again...

Most days my work doesn't last so long. We had a break

down of some sort last week so I am making up for lost

time..I work at home so I am going to go get some dinner

on for later..It will be chicken fajitas for dinner before hockey.

I suspect that I will have no voice tomorrow from cheering

and yelling at the game..The crowd that I go with is known

for that..it should be a hoot..=)) Have a beautiful thanksgiving

holiday.. =)) xx Karen

elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to

Karen thank you for replying i hope you can relax at times your evening sounds full of fun hope you have had a lovely evening , it must be nice to be able to work from home when do you have your thanksgiving my next holiday is Christmas & new year like wise enjoy thanksgiving Elizabeth

mistymeana profile image

Hi, I was started on colecalciferol for osteopenia but had to change as the artificial sweeteners were playing havoc with my IBS. Now changed to calcium and vitamin D caplets and I've found they've really helped reduce my fibro symptoms - much less fog and memory problems and pain less frequent. Unfortunately couldn't tolerate amitriptyline as even low dose made me zombie-like, anxious and depressed and didn't help sleep much. My awkward body doesn't like to play ball and react properly to meds! Was originally tried on sertraline which brought me out in a very fetching rash so given up for now and trying to manage without as not keen on the idea of pregabalin or gabapentin if I can possibly avoid it. Hope you find your new meds helpful.

elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to mistymeana

Thank you for your reply I hope the doctor can find something to help you Elizabeth

Lruk profile image

Vitamin D deficiency can cause many of the symptoms of fibro and getting it to the right level can help reduce some of the pain. Amitriptyline is used as a pain reliever at a low dose and as an anti depressant at a higher dose. It is usually prescribed to be taken at night as it can be a powerful sedative. I am currently on 75mg amitriptyline a night with a possible increase in a week or two. I find I have to take it between 7 & 8 pm or I cannot get myself wakened in the morning. It has helped me sleep through the pain, previously if was only getting 2-4 hours sleep and working full time. The down side is that once your brain knows your awake the pain comes back with a vengeance until the next lot of pain relief kicks in. It does take a while to get used to but it is worth it, in my opinion.

elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to Lruk

ThAnk you for your reply I understand what your saying as i feel a little like your saying finding it so hard to work with the pain and little sleep hope life gets better for us both Elizabeth

in reply to Lruk

"IF" I get pain ever, it jolts me awake..it comes on the equivalent of

someone throwing ice water in your face - it has some kick butt hurts

kind of pain and then it is gone by the time I get up to take any

pain medicine..it's always in one place in my back or where my

knee is attached with a plate..I broke the femur some time ago...

It is a jolt ..I am so tempted to try such a thing as you but after I

saw my dad turn into to a zombie I dislike it...My dad took it for pain.

clelle profile image

I was on the colecalciferol for vit D deficiency. When I finished the last of my capsules, I visited my G.P. and he told me they are no longer prescribed on the N.H.S. Was he lying to me, or is it just the postcode lottery?

in reply to clelle

Hi clelle

Both my husband and myself take colecalciferol for vit D deficiency and we get it on NHS so if your doc is right then we won't be able to get it either :o

I would ask for a proper explanation and tell him that there are many of us taking it so when do the NHS stop prescribing it? There is an alternative too did he suggest that, is he leaving you without vid D supplements?

Please let us know how you get on

:) xxxzebxxx :)

elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to clelle

I understand from my g p yesterday if you have to take them long term n s h will give i live southwest south Gloucestershire Elizabeth

elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to clelle

I live in south Gloucestershire n s h doctors give them hear Elizabeth

Yes elbeth

I take colecalciferol for Vit D deficiency as I'm hypersensitive to the sun so am covered up to protect myself and also I have a collagen disorder which affects my skins ability to absorb Vit D from the sun and my body's ability to store it properly. Added to that is the fact that I don't get out that much either so any chance of me getting Vit D from sunlight is pretty slim :o so therefore my Vit D level was classed as very low and I was put on it for life.

It should also be noted that the symptoms of Vit D deficiency mirror those of Fibromyalgia.

I was just about to be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia when my doc did the Vit D test and the results delayed my Fibromyalgia diagnosis while we waited to see if my symptoms improved much through taking the Vit D, which they didn't.

Please remember that this is my own personal experience and that the reasons you are specifically taking it could be different to mine :)

Many warming and healing fluffies for you

:) xxxzebxxx :)

elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to

Thank you my doctor has told me this yesterday at my appointment , vitamin d deficiency and fibromyalgia same symptoms like yourself they want to see if i improve Elizabeth

in reply to elbeth

I'm glad to hear that Elizabeth and I'm wishing you well and I hope the treatment works for you.

:) xxxzebxxx :)

elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to

Thank you i hope your okay & thank you for the reply Elizabeth

Babs1620 profile image


I take both of these along with Morphine and many other tablets just to keep going during the day, I often fall asleep about 3pm,for about 20 minutes but at least I sleep for part of the night,.


elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to Babs1620

Thank you for your reply I am awaiting for my tablets as they have to be ordered in at boots the doctor have told me to take them for 6 days return 14 days later to have blood taken Elizabeth

I had low vit d so had to take it. I also have 25mg Amitriptyline to help me sleep. I sleep a lot better now

You people are nailing my problem on the head exactly..

I can't get more than 3 hours 24/7... people in the family are more

upset about than I am...when I crash out (sleep) I sleep so hard..

it's like a power nap...I just don't want to be adding more pills...I am

on pill reduction at the moment...No pills is my goal...

We shut down lights, we put everything in sleep mode and we turn

the heat down..I do the warm water thing....I drink sleepy time tea...

yet I am like an owl..I can lay awake in pitch dark...if my legs don't move

on me (I have RLS) I still can't sleep...My doctor said it's probably hormones..

someone else told me it's my panic attack medicine..I didn't take my panic attack

medicine yesterday or today...I am not tired...but my heart is beating faster..I

have that flight or fight response going on...It's not going very well for me today..

I am kind of headache feeling..it's there but not really pounding yet..I'm drinking

a lot of water and tea...Im cooking up a storm right now..trying to keep busy and

then I won't have to cook much this week or next...Since work is slow..might as well.

On them both. My vit D levels were low 17. And I take 25mgs amitriptyline at night which helps me sleep

elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to

Thank you holly I am unsure of my level but this is the tablets I have 50,000 units I hope it helps as the pain is unbearable , hope they are working for you Elizabeth

I think all my problems started because of low vit D. I don't think a lot of people realise the implication of this.

elbeth profile image
elbeth in reply to

Add me to that xx

A lot of children are now getting rickets, I think this will become an epidemic

Technology is to blame for some of that...I also blame the news and media;.

Outside is a wonderful world to play in and because of all of the horror stories

that we see and hear, our fears prevent us from letting our children play and

explore in the sunshine and nature...I spend a good 2 hours outside...I used to

spend endless days in the outdoors...My mother doused me with Sunscreen

and I had to wear hats..so I don't think that the sun ever penetrated my skin..

I continued to stick with the habits that my mother bred in me...I am either

wearing sunscreen or I don't go visit the outdoors including in the winter...we

get windburn as well...it's just as painful ...so I apply the sunscreen moisturizer..

I am and always have been lower on vitamin D...I caught them up by fish oils

and actual capsules of D...I'm almost tempted to let some sunshine hit my skin...

just to see if I could quit with the Vitamin D...I do think that kids stay indoors many

hours too much...playing video games, chatting with friends, watching Television

and some even study indoors after sitting in a dark classroom...=)

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