My fibro is SO much better during the... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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My fibro is SO much better during the summer, does anyone else find that?

7 Replies
7 Replies

Why am I the most awkward of people with fibro ... My arthritis is loving it my fibro is hating it when its wet my fibro loves it my arthritis hates it .... I do like autumn that seems to suit me totally

Vg the never satisfied :)

Sandy247 profile image

Yes, I find that my pain is at a minimum during lovely hot days. The only problem I have now is it is too hot to sleep at night! But I'd rather that than be in pain. Like me, do you find that wet and/or cold days make your fibro a lot worse?

Fibro_foggiest profile image

I find my fibro and arthritis better in warm weather, as long as it isn't humid, at the moment it's not bad down here in Devon. I am planning a visit to somewhere warm during the winter as cold and wet just exacerbate everything for me, rather like you Sandy.

Foggy x

I too feel less pain,less achy and sore when the weather us beautifully warm I am loving this weather,I do feel tired and sleepy but rather that than pain 24/7 ,Cold and damp definitely makes my fibro and arthritis more painful xxx

Yes, much better. I'm glad you do too. I think many people will find the warmth easier although I know some people struggle once it becomes really hot as it has been. I went to Mexico City recently and that was about as bad as it got from the point of view of heat triggering all my fibro symptoms, my body just couldn't cope. I guess most of us would like around 70 degrees if we could choose. Suex

That's the third response that has just disappeared into thin air, I'm sick of this website!

Ginsing profile image

In some ways we feel better . But others so much worse. My legs . Have lymphodema and the pain inlets and hips is horrid. The general . Classifieds frontline is something I . Shave not experienced before. Not having much fun. Xgins

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