What's happened to this site. Just po... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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What's happened to this site. Just poured my heart out in tears and its gone!!!, I needed help.

Carolinee71 profile image
2 Replies

I have just spent an hour asking questions and asking for help and it has gone

It's not good, feeling really bad, very depressed after vist to pain team left me with no help and no hope

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Carolinee71 profile image

May be I mine try again as I really need help

Had my pain clinic appointment today, should of stayed at home enjoying the sunshine for all the help they were.

I saw a very nice and polite Dr, but when I started to ask her questions she stopped me to tell me she is the pain team, so only will talk about the pain, not why I have pain.

She asked me about how I sleep, I started to tell her about waking up due to pain in my hips and she stopped me said again, she is only to do with the pain so give her an answer in percentage terms, so I did 40 % sleep but interrupted.

She looked at the list of medicines I take and told me. Was still young so should stop taking both MST and Oramorph as I would be addicted to it by now, she did not offer anything to replace them.

She told me she couldn't stop the pain and I would always be in pain but I should learn to cope with it better. I told her for the past 22 / 25 years I have been in pain with my knees ( too much long jump when younger, killed my knees) and I had learnt to cope with it with out the need of painkillers but this pain was so severe I would rather give birth with no pain killers and have the pain of an eptopic pregnancy when the tube burst than deal with this amount of pain.

She asked about how I manage the stairs, I told her I couldn't most of the time which is why we moved so I have a toilet downstairs and a bathroom upstairs. She though this was a good idea as I will never be able to fully use any stairs

She said I should go swimming , so I told her I can't climb in and out of a bath, let alone the ladder type steps into the pool and I suffer from the cold badly.

She then told me to do Pilates , not at home with a book or DVD but to go along to a class, told her I have been doing yoga at home for years, she said that was no good I had to go to a class. I told her I can't walk the length of my house and I don't drive, how was I to get they, and pay for it once I got there

She then said she was running out of time, but, she will offer a course of acupuncture for my back, she had nothing to offer with regards to my hips which for me are the worse and most constant pain. She told me she was not going to give me any other drugs to stop the pain I would just have to get used to it. Any other problems such as dizziness, falling over, feeling sick, not remembering things or where I am are not for her to either talk about or offer any help

The acupuncture has a wait list of apx six months. After I have ahead it, the nurse who does the acupuncture will arrange anther appointment with her.

This has left me feeling completely depressed and I can't stop crying. I now have no hope of ever getting better or being pain free. I was a positive person but she has knocked that out of me today.

I have now got a label as to what is wrong with me, and no one will even listen to the additional problems and symptoms which are not fibro related.

I should just give up and hope my GP will not stop the MST and Oramorph with no replacement on her advice as I truly will not be able to live with that amount of pain.

I have nowhere to turn I am all alone, and nothing to look forward to

Lost any hope of getting my life back

Thanks for reading


in reply to Carolinee71

Hello Caroline,bless you what an awful day you've had,i suggest you go to see your G/P asap and request he doesn't stop your pain relief contrary to what this so called DR told you,she obviously doesn't understand fibromyalgia whatsoever i wouldn't go back to see her as she isn't helping you at all, i really hope your G/P helps you and listens,we should never be labelled,they diagnosed us in the first place,luckily my G/P has always said that not everything we experience should always be associated with Fibromyalgia,regular blood tests etc must always be done to rule anything else out,i have anaemia and i am on iron tablets indefinitely so this explained some of the dreadful tiredness i was feeling everyday,i wish i could give you a hug so i am sending you lots and lots of squishy hugs to comfort you,please remember you are not alone we are all here in this wonderful community even with its current glitches,please don't be sad i hate to think of you feeling this way,keep in touch,lots of love sent your way Caroline Love Della xxx

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