I didn't realise there was so many fi... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I didn't realise there was so many fibro sufferers out there! I'm here for the support and if anyone's wantin a wee chat feel free! X

Hi Jackie,
Welcome to our forum - there's thousands of us! Plenty of support and friendship available here - and a few laughs, too.
Have a look at our main site:
and also see our guidelines to the right of this page.
We shall look forward to reading your posts.
Moffy x
Evening Jackie, and welcome :), We like to have a moan, and a laugh, and share experiences, and find that yes, who would have thought there are people out there all in the same boat!
Tulip xx
It's just what I need someone to moan too other than family lol! Thank you for your warm welcome! X
I wonder how many families have been rescued by this site? Nobody wants to watch someone they love suffer, and at least we know we are talking to people who understand, and will not judge us.
It's "good to talk"! Dont 'be a stranger'. All very cheesy, I'm off to my pit, and hope you get a good night. Tulip xx zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hi Jacko welcome to the best site . Hope you find some answers and have some laughs xgins
Hi and welcome you have volunteers leaping on you .... We do try and help and give answers but we are also pretty insane and suddenly burst into stupid posts ... Cos it's better than bursting into tears ... Hope to see you around and blogging with whatever you need to say

Thank you so much,feelin very loved at the moment lol! Oh il be posting away need the release! X
you have found a great place to come.
And a big welcome, it is a shame you are here, in the nicest possible way of course lol, no one wants fibro but until someone invents a cure it isa great place to be and the people are great. Nothing beats talking to fellow sufferers, family can be great but no one truly understands like a fibromite does. Look forward to getting to know you.
Hi Jackie yes pleased that you have found us all, congrats to whole new wonderful and pleasant world!! It is the biggest help to be able to speak to the fibromites, no I couldn't believe it when I realised how many of us there are. When I first discovered I had it in 2009, it was the weirdest, scary, isolating experience ever, thinking you have lost it. Then hey, decided to set up a local support group(Carshalton, surrey) myself which has been a massage help. You can get really carried away on here. Keep the family growing I say, and the best of wishes as you continue to grow!! x
Hi fibroturkey many thanks for your best wishes. That's good about your support group,anything to help in our understanding of this condition! It's great that you can come on and get support and sound off when you really need it,it's been the best thing I've done! Hope to chat with you again! Nighty night! X