Is there a pain killer that is strong... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Is there a pain killer that is stronger than Tramadol but less than morphine?

In a nutshell - no!
There are alternatives to tramadol, tho' if it doesn't suit you. If you have been prescribed morphine, then do try it - it's effective for severe pain, and though it's addictive, with long term chronic pain, I don't see that this is too much of an issue.
Moffy x
Have you tried tramadol SR I take 200mg it's suppose to be twice
A day but I only take it if I have bad pain. I can take tramadol 50mg
If I have to of course you can't go over the recommended.
I found that the 150SR tramadol, did not touch the pain but the
200 took the edge off.
Im on ocycontine which is morphine i take slow release and it does help me i cant take tramodol it upsets my tum gud luck x
You could try Tramadol and 500mg of Paracetamol that is ok to take and a good strong painkiller I took it awhile after my operation until it made me dizzy. I take a Fentanyl patch and Oramorph for break through pain, its been a godsend for my Fibro and I don't feel addictive on it but I can't do without it now! Good luck....Aisha x
hi vivien, do you think the SR tramadol are better that the ordinary, I didn't know there was such a tablet as slow release tramadol, I take 2x50gr tramadol 2 times a day plus gabapentin and cocodamol if I need the extra push. and sertraline in the morning, im suppose to take the tramadol 3 times a day but afriad to incase i get addicted , gentle hugs ..Dee x
Thanks Peeps.At the moment I take 50mg Tramadol 4x a day and my GP says I would have Morphine next,I was a bit surprised that it has come to that so quickly ,I thought I'd be able to take a bigger dose of Tramadol first.I was hoping to hold off on the morphine for a while yet and only need something extra for when the pain gets really bad.
I came off the tramadol as it wasn't working well, now on butrans patches 20 mcg. They are 7 day patches. I have found that it has taken away virtually all the pain. The only downside is that it makes me even more tired than usual, :I also feel dizzy and woozy. Not good when trying to work or drive. I'm reluctant to change it as pain relief is so goid at the moment.
You could ask your GP about them. You would probably start on the 5 or 10 mcg first.
I hope you fibd something that helps and suits you. Becky xx
hi, tramadol stopped working for me, am now taking 25mg oxycontin (slow release) morning and night with paracetomol if needed to top up inbetween, does take the edge off xx
Hi there, I take Pregabalin 100mg twice a day but I still have pain so I take 100mg Tramadol (2 capsules) with 1000mg Paracetamol (2 tablets) 3-4 times a day. I still have pain but not as much. Different meds work for different people. I work full time & drive so I can't have anything that makes me too drowsy i.e. morphine. My Mum had her MST changed to Oxycontine 3 years ago and it made her really poorly. I myself would like something stronger but I already struggle to function and I need to keep my job Hugs x
I found tramadol in various strengths wasn't touching my pain at all, but dihydrocodeine worked. Like tramadol it's often recommended to take paracetamol with it. I don't know why but they say they work better together.
It's strange how it's said that tramadol is stronger but what will work for some may not work for others. When I need a top up I'm now using diazepam to supplement them. They just relax you more, don't take the pain away, but enable you to relax and rest better xx
That's what I need,something that isn't morphine but that will top up my Tramadol for on going use and something for extra pain-I probably wont care what that is as long as the pain goes!! The last week and a half my feet have been on fire (much more than usual) and I have had real shooting pains up my legs.I also have a really painful left hip as I have mild osteoporosis in both hips but the fibro is making the pain much worse. I've been trying to tell myself that the pain isn't there!
I too take dihydrocodeine, which for me is much better than tramadol (which did naff all for me!!), but you can certainly have a higher dose of tramadol than you're currenty on- I was taking 100mg QDS, and as others have said combining it with paracetamol is supposed to increase its potency.
The pain you're describing (Burning/shooting pains) sounds like it may be more responsive to an central nervous system drug- are you on anything like amitriptyline/gabapentin/pregabalin?
my hubby takes 2x50mg tramadol 4 times a day and when he told the dr it was not working she said the next step is morphine but before she went that far she wanted to try him with gabapentin as well. the first dose off 300 mg did not do much so now on 600mg of gaba as well as the Tramadol. he also takes fluxatine, amatryptaline and ziplicone. in all 20 tabs a day and still only just takes edge of his pain. morphine is the next step
My GP said I had to come off Amitrryptaline because of other meds
I take .I take 300mg Gabapentin 3 x day
4 x 50mg Tramadol daily and I'm having lots of break through pain plus pain is more severe.
I wondered why my GP couldn't up both before resorting to morphine.
I have 25mg amitriptyline, am on fentanyl patches, pregabalin 600mg day & take 2 x 50mg Tramadol 4 times a day. You can certainly ask for amitriptyline back if you felt it helped! Nurse at pain clinic told me to take paracetamol, 2 tabs, 4 times a day religiously. It apparently helps the other medication work better.
Hope you find a combination that works for you soon.
I take 200mg of tramadol twice daily as well as paracetamol then at night I have been given 75mg of nortriptyline this seems to help with the pain it is supposed to help me sleep also but I am finding that it doesn't it is all a question of trying things until the correct medication is found. But saying that they have been trying 11 years to find the right ones for me. Good luck and gentle hugs x
Don't want what to suggest but good luck and let us know how you get on. I'm looking at changing my pain meds too not looking forward to it but I know something has to change. Gentle hugs x
Just out of interest, how many of you are doctors, surgeons, pharmacists, do you even know what your talking about?
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I have arthritis and fibromyalgia and have just been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. I was on Celebrex, Cymbalta and Tramadol. Now I am taking just Tylenol 650mg and tramadol 50mg, 2 to 3 times a day. It is not working. I am in pain all day, everyday and on top of that I have terrible headaches. I am at a loss as to what I can take for a headache on top of what I am taking. There has got to be other kidney patients out there. What are you taking for pain?