I've been taking Lustral (sertraline) for about 5 months, i had a major fibro flare, yhe worst I have ever had in 18 years, but after I read it can cause joint or muscle pain I started to take every other day, pain decreased. Anyone else taking this & getting same symptoms?
Anyone take Lustral (sertraline) - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Anyone take Lustral (sertraline)

I was on lustral for depression for about three years.Put on 5 stone in weight in that time.Fibro got very bad when I finally got my gp to take me off it.
Yes I do walnutwhip but only have 1/2 tablet it hasn't affected me so far, but then I have only been taking it for about 2months don't know wether it shoud have affected me yet, the doc only because o the other meds I am on, I've tried amatriptalyne but that made me ill, hugs..Dee x
Hey Dee, what made you start with half a tablet? I never thought of doing that. Let me know how it goes for you. Good luck & gentle hugs.
Hi walnut Whipp it was my doctors suggestion, because she put me on a different one at first but it made me ill after about a week, she said I was an intricate case, whatever that means, and as I also have Barretts Osophegus which is a pre-malignant condition, she suggested trying half at first then if I want to, or felt the need to, to up it, she gave it to me because I was feeling very miserable and low and I think she thought i was in the mood for doing something stupid, she is a lovely Doctor and the only one that has listened to me for years and she took the time and patience to listen to me & sort my medication our for me to give me a better quality of life, ..hope u having a good day, gentle hugs - Dee xx
I tried it last year. It really upset my stomach from the very first tablet, but doctor insisted I try it for at least two months. I stuck it for 5 weeks, and lied about the rest as I really couldn't tolerate it.
Also tried Amitriptyline but that made my night sweats so much worse that any sleep benefits were quickly outweighed by the need for frequent showers throughout the night.
Alas everything seems to have side effects, so it is either a case of finding something you do not react to, or deciding if the side effects are worse than the symptoms it is treating .
Em x
I take 150mg, it initially gave me headaches. I also take venlafaxine.
Yep, tried it last year and came out in a rather fetching rash so thought it best to desist. On amitriptyline now but v low dose as upping it welded my mouth shut (some would say a good thing) and made me v anxious. Not convinced it's doing much but giving myself a break from the GP as felt I was living there. Will take the plunge and go back some time to see if there is a viable alternative that doesn't have dreadful side effects. x
Hey misstymeana, I've not got the rash but I seem to have every other symptom! I had to come off amitriptyline due to it retained EVERYTHING, I couldn't pee or the other, would you believe I was even referred to a urologist to see why! Nobody looked at my meds until then.
Now why am I not surprised?!! Funnily enough that's the one side-effect that has been of some use as fibro has very kindly gifted me with IBS and irritable bladder so they are not so troublesome these days. Mind you, when I'm not in flare it's not quite as welcome . As for the weight gain, I'm finding I'm having to diet to try and keep y weight under control as was putting on weight despite eating healthily. Oh the joys!
These things are supposed to be antidepressants, how can you be "anti-depressed" if you pile on weight and suffer other negative side affects? Thats mad !! I was on Amitriptyline and put on loads of weight, now Im on Sertraline and still putting on weight and have horrendous night sweats. And now you come to mention it, my Fibro has got more of a pain in the everywhere,lol. Ohhh, the joys..... Have a good day
I've been taking Sertraline for about 18mth. Joint pain and weight are an issue
with me, but I don't move around much, so is it actually me to blame, for not
being more mobile? It's really hard to get going when you have a chronic
condition, the symptoms are more bearable/managable if you sit still.
Then eventually you want to treat yourself with something naughty
(food) and you're off on that vicious weight gain circle again!
Not alone Walnutwhip, we're always here for you and we're "all in this together".xx