Hi everyone,
I had the EMMA/ALICE test conducted a couple of weeks ago. I've just had the results back:'ULTRALOW BIOMASS MICROBIOME' and have been advised to take priobiotics. I am in the process of preparing for my next FET and assumed this would mean I would need to cancel it to allow time to take the probiotics (FET was likely to be week after next). I will only have time I think to take probiotics for 7 days and my clinic has assured me this is enough time.
However, I'm cautious to rush things and want to make sure that the probiotics have enough time to take effect. I only have one embryo remaining and want to make sure the environment is as good as it can be, and if that means delaying the FET by a month then so be it.
Grateful for any advice or anyone who has had personal experience with this.
Thank you