Hi, my bruising from daily Clexane injections is getting worse, any tips please?
clexane bruising : Hi, my bruising from... - Fertility Network UK
clexane bruising

Hello, my advice is to inject straight after having a shower/bath. Game changer with pain at the injection site and bruising. Goodluck!
Ice for a good few mins before and after. Use upper outer thigh, not tummy.
It will get a bit worse as your blood in thinning, so you are more prone to bruising. Do speak to clinic though.
I use a little ice pack for a 10 seconds before the injection - any longer and the skin is harder to get through.
Also, I just accepted the bruising! It was pretty bad but after using the ice pack the pain was fine.
You can also use emla cream which numbs the skin a bit too x

Also try applying firm pressure to the injection site for 30 seconds after each injection
Take care
Ice the area first for around a minute. The key though is to take the needle out very slowly and don’t rush it. You shouldn’t bruise then. The nurse told me ppl always rush it and bruise.