This might be an odd question. I am curious on doing an EMMA/ALICE-test before my next transfer but in Sweden where I live, there is no or very little options to to this test so I am searching for opportunities to do this in another country now. Could you recommend a clinic where they offer this and where I don't have to do an IVF at the same clinic, since I already have my frozen embryos in my clinic at home? (if you have any names I would love to get a PM so that it is not advertised, sorry for the inconvenience) Also, how much did it cost?
One of my other concerns is that I have gotten a bit scared of flying and I am so hesitant in having to sit on a plane only to do this test, which I know might be required for me to do. I was searching for clinics in Denmark (so that I could go there without flying) but I couldn't find anything. I know this forum is UK-based so this question might be a really long shot, but I found so much more useful information here in this community than I have found at home which is why I still want to ask.