I’ve recently found out I have genital herpes and I’m due to have a FET in April. Has anyone else got HSV and doing IVF? Did you take an antiviral before the FET to reduce chances of an outbreak? Would they effect your response the the medication? Thank you!
FET & managing Herpes: I’ve recently... - Fertility Network UK
FET & managing Herpes

Yes, I do.
Mine flared when I had a natural FET but not with a medicated.
I take valacyclovir and it's fine. Consultant not at all fussed by outbreaks, didn't see it as medically significant.
There's some (quite old now) research on acyclovir and recurrent miscarriage that suggests it can be helpful. So, it shouldn't impact negatively if you do have to take the drugs.
I tend to get outbreaks when I'm run down. So, I also think all the extra attention you give you diet, sleep and hydration during FET helps prevent, as does cutting caffeine, which can provoke outbreaks.
Hope this is helpful.
Hey! This is so helpful, thank you! I’m still learning about it and how best to manage it and I really don’t want it to impact my FET as you know IVF is tough and I just want to do my best. I will ask about taking valacyclovir before hand. Did you continue taking it after your transfer?
Will try my best with diet, sleep and keeping hydrated. I don’t have caffeine so that’s one thing. Thank you!
You may be ok with acyclovir, for me it never worked. Valcyclovir is the pro-drug, which your body metabolised into acyclovir, so you get a bigger dose.
I took it ahead of my unmedicated FET, to treat the outbreaks, it was too late for suppression. I didn't take for medicated as the run up on drugs was long enough that I knew I didn't need it. I don't react to HCG, but to the changes in oestrogen and progesterone.
I have recurrent miscarriages (ivf being used to help with that), so I have taken it previously in pregnancies and it's not made any impact (I've had 12, so have had pregnancies I've taken it with and ones without).
Interestingly (to me, at least!) the pregnancy that went furthest was the one I was on suppression dose before and then took twice daily during. Pregnancy failed on day I went on holiday and forgot to pack it, so had to get more and missed morning dose.
Could all be random chance, of course, and may have happened anyway, but if I do go for another pregnancy, I'd take it beforehand, as it is the only thing that has ever, even possibly, had an impact on outcome for me (and I have tried everything at this stage!).
Obviously, that is not reliable data and may have no baring for me, let alone anyone else, but just to say that I don't think you need to be scared of it. Have a chat with your consultants first though. Acyclovir is pence in cost, and you should be able to get through GP if not on NHS IVF.
I’m so sorry to hear about your miscarriages, it’s so hard and I can’t imagine what what it’s like to have so many. There are so many things that can impact the whole pregnancy journey so difficult to pin point anything.
I have just stopped taking acyclovir from my first outbreak and it has cleared up but it gave me really bad stomach pains. I want to take something in the lead up to it though just to protect myself, as I’d hate for my FET to be cancelled. I will speak with my clinic, I’m doing it privately in Czech so it’s a little tricky but I’m sure they are used to others with this. And the sexual health clinic said I can always go back to them for more medication so I’m going to speak to them too. Thank you so much for all your advice, I wish you the best of luck in your journey.
Thank you.
Yes, so many ways in which it is hard!!
If it's your first outbreak, you might want to wait a few months for your immune system to settle down.
The virus is like chickenpox and will live dormant in your nerves, but whilst it is settling, your immune system is more active. It might not make any difference, and if you've lots of embryos, maybe still go for it. If you've fewer, I'd take a bit of advice.
Everyone is different in how they respond to viruses though -a cold can be almost 'flu for one and just a sniffle for another. I think herpes is similar.
I didn’t think of waiting longer for things to calm down. I have one embryo left which is a 5AA and I want to give it my best shot. If it means waiting a few months then that’s fine. I will talk it through with my doctor and see what they advise.
I just hope I can manage it and not have many outbreaks. I going to be as healthy as I can. Thanks again for your reply.
100% worth waiting if you can. Just like 'flu or covid, it can be quite an onslaught to your body when you get a first infection as an adult (kids breeze through it -it's exactly the same virus as coldsores, you just didn't contract it on your face(both HSV1 and HSV2 can cause herpes or coldsores, just depends on where you're infected)).
I had the worst initial outbreak I have ever seen -worse than textbooks etc. I was getting new blisters for almost 2 weeks, and whilst on acyclovir (which I started within 48hrs of first blister). I also had lesions internally (probably because I had my period).
It was awful and definitely took a few months to fully recover -I got outbreaks (tiny ones) throughout this.
I had suppression therapy (not related to IVF!) and now maybe get one or two outbreaks a year, if that. Single blister, maybe two, and they go within 5 days. So, to say, you can have a really nasty initial infection and then it all becomes a tiny bit of nothing!
I did get outbreaks after some miscarriages -just the swing in hormones, but I don't think I've had more than 2 outbreaks in a year, ever, and I was pregnant a lot more than that!
As above, I got one just prior to an unmedicated transfer, possibly stress, who knows! I wasn't poorly with anything else or taking any hormones. With my medicated cycle, I was fine.
I'd treat it (in terms of delaying cycle) like any other viral infection that comes with a temperature. More about the impact on your body than the location of the infection, if taht makes sense. I'd personally delay a transfer after having 'flu or a bad cold, for example.
Hope your clinic or GP or Sexual Health Clinic can give some good advice.xx
I got my official diagnosis yesterday of HSV1. I feel pretty sad but trying to keep my focus on the FET. Thanks for your advice on waiting. I think it's a good idea. I monitor my health parameters through Fitbit and can see my body still struggling to get my heart rate down and my HRV is still so low.
You first outbreak sounded so bad, luckily I only had a couple of blister and once on medication they cleared up pretty quickly. I'm hoping this is a good sign. Will see how my body responds when I get my period.
It's reassuring to hear your outbreaks have become more infrequent and less severe. I will also be doing a medicated cycle and have informed my clinic so I'm sure they will advise if I need to take some antivirals. I spoke to the Sexual Health Clinic and she said that an outbreak will not affect the transfer or the embryo but to me, I'd prefer to not take that chance. Thanks for all your help xx
I'm also HSV1. In a way, it's the best one to have -60-70% of adults already have it, either as facial coldsores or elsewhere. Many people don't have symptoms at all, so are totally unaware they have the virus. It just means we didn't get exposed to it facially when we were little.
It's a lot of stress -both physical and mental. And I really do think there is wisdom in only taking on so many challenges at once -and a transfer certainly is one.
Sounds like yours will, hopefully, just be a minor blip when you look back at it in a few years.
I think it's defo worth having a little break if you can -focus on getting you healthy before adding anything else into the mix. Lots of self-care for you!
Hope to read about your successful transfer in a few months time. xx
Thank you so much. I've gone super healthy now and taking lots of probiotics etc. So hoping all this will help. My clinic has come back and said I don't need to worry about taking any antivirals before so I'm hoping the healthy lifestyle and extra supplements will help. It's actually a nice feeling to be looking after my body in such a kind way. I will let you know how it all goes in a few months, hopefully it'll be good news to share. Thanks for your support and take care xx
Hi there, yes I unfortunately got hsv2 from an old partner. I was open with my clinic who were not fazed at all. I had suppression therapy in the months before but still I had outbreaks after FET. I usually have 1/2 outbreaks a year but when I’ve had IVF / FET they happen all the time from stress and hormones. My gp was absolutely fine with me taking them during an outbreak and early pregnancy (I didn’t get past that unfortunately) so I wouldn’t worry. Speak with your clinic they are used to these issues x
Hey! Thank you for sharing. I’ll speak to my clinic but I think I’ll want to try suppression before just because I don’t know how it’ll be when I start my meds. It’s a lot for our bodies to go through, and it’s hard not to get stressed during that time. Least I know it’s safe to take them. Wishing you lots of luck for what’s next for you in this journey x