Hello beautiful ladies,
This will be my first post.
Well i am just kind of worried and scared. My FET is coming in approximately a week. I have had 2 failed in the past. I know this time it's different as i underwent 2 surgeries (i had a lot of inflammation inside). Things are better now. But still the uncertainty is killing me. When i stared with IVF i didn't realize it's gonna take so long ...i was so positive and kept myself positive through the second FET but then i was broken .... My 2'nd retrieval landed me to the emergency department of the hospital for 3 weeks...i was critical but yes recovered really well. Before, due to endometriomass my uterus was also tilted and full or half or empty bladder made no difference and the transfers where very difficult but now everything is in place. I am trying to be positive. But it is still scary. Infertility is already tough n ivf is so tough in all the ways... physically, mentally, emotionally, financially...and the TWW ....
I just hope and pray things work well for me and all of us who are in this journey and this years brings us our much awaited gift ...A healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
Wishing you all the very best ❤️