About to start a new cycle and have lots of niggly questions (definitely some anxiety and worries in there too!) I’m always the one with a notebook and list of questions. I sometimes think am I ‘that patient’ 🙈
Anyone else?!
About to start a new cycle and have lots of niggly questions (definitely some anxiety and worries in there too!) I’m always the one with a notebook and list of questions. I sometimes think am I ‘that patient’ 🙈
Anyone else?!
Yes for sure, but you just gotta ‘own it’ 😂 I got my moneys worth from the consultants but it was the only way I could feel comfortable with decisions for next cycles. Use that notebook with pride 😂🩷🩷 good luck xx
Oh yeah, deffo me. To the point they told me if I had anymore questions (after I'd paid my money) that I'd need to pay for another consultation lol. Ask away they are getting well paid!
That’s hilarious but also ridiculous! It’s actually better for them if they answer my questions as I’ll only go away and find answers on google and come back with 10 more!
Yeah think that was the issue lol me googling and asking why why why. But it's round 3 now so I want to make sure they are doing their best for me as a patient! Sometimes feel like they aren't and just doing standard for everyone.
Absolutely. Definitely feels like it could be more tailored with some things. Or I sometimes think is this just a cost saving exercise or is this what’s actually best for me? Is it ok or is it optimal? I know there’s no guarantees but want to give myself the best chance possible!
100% me.I try to balance it out by being especially sweet to admin and nurses, and getting them chocolates etc at Christmas.
Hoping this leaves me on the 'thorough' side of 'total pain in the neck'!!
One of the the admin at my very busy clinic which is both self funded and NHS said he ‘recognised my mobile number before he even answered’ once and knew it was me 😂🤪 I think I spoke to the clinic more than my own family and friends at times over the years lol you keep doing what you need to do! 💜🤗 xx
This is me but I grew not to care. IVF was very new to me and it’s such a stressful process, it’s the clinics job to help guide you so please don’t stress, no question is silly. Good luck!
Thanks you’re totally right! So important we speak up for ourselves and ask questions. Feels like one of the only things we can do on this rollercoaster journey! Judging by the other comments here they’re definitely used to it 😅
A nurse knew who I was during my transfer because she spoke to me so much. You have to advocate for yourself. I don’t think I’d be pregnant today if I didn’t push them for testing etc x
100% and i'm stil at the phase where I feel so embarrassed constantly harrassing them, whether its my consultants secretary or the embryologist, always the person saying "one more thing"! I think if I constantly apologise for it then it lessens the pain! Not sure they feel the same, but as others have said they get paid enough and that's what they are there for too! xx
Definitely me with my first clinic. You are the patient though and if you have questions or worries you should always be able to ask without feeling like you are bothering anyone. Like one of the above posters said, I learnt not to care. I later moved clinics and obtained a copy of my clinic notes - there were many many pages as I'd been with them a long time and had several cycles. There was one remark in there stating "patient is v pushy!" - was never quite sure what to make of that but if asking questions makes you pushy then I have no issues with it as we have every right to understand the clinic's plans for our cycles x x
Totally agree! To be fair my clinic has mostly been good with answering stuff along the way even if I’ve had to ask or need it explaining again. 🤨 at v pushy. The cheek! Feel like it’s along the same lines as calling women ‘bossy’ 🙄
Anyways I’d take pushy any day if it means I get the answers I need. Though curious to see my own notes now…!
100% relate 😆
I think every patient is ‘that patient’! There are just so many questions and considerations - it’s learning a whole new subject! Let’s normalise the notebooks I say 😁
Best of luck with your cycle 🤞✨ x