just heard that we only have 2 out of 6 eggs that survived thawing..
Feeling very deflated and negative 😔
just heard that we only have 2 out of 6 eggs that survived thawing..
Feeling very deflated and negative 😔
Hi lovely sorry to hear that I know it’s gutting but try not to get to down it does only take one so hopefully the 2 you have are the one’s lovely
Sending you loads of luck for your treatment
I’m really sorry this has happened, it’s rubbish that this can happen. To lift your spirits, I only had one egg which fertilised normally and he’s now my 3 year old. I felt completely bleak and defeated when they told me I only had one which fertilised but he was the one. Your two eggs could be your ones, hang in there xx
I’m so sorry this happened for you both, we’ve had similar and it’s devastating. An out of the blue shock that’s hard to take. Have you asked your clinic what happened? Unfortunately for us we’re looking into the possibility of laboratory error as thaw rates for embryos are generally very good, to loose lots in one go is unexpected.
Hi there, just wanted to message to say you're not alone. 2 of our 4 didn't thaw and it really is devastating news. It sent me into a complete spin so I can imagine how you're feeling. We had no e explanation from the clinic either. It's great you still have four to use. Sending hugs xxx
I know that feeling I have been overstimulated my two cycle and ended the first cycle with 36 eggs and just one good one and the second 16 and just two fertilised 😫 after all the efforts and what our body went trough its hard but let’s put all our good energy on those good ones positive vibes to you 💕✨