So out of 11 eggs, 9 matured but only 2 fertilised. Now I got the update saying that it’s slow 😪 one had 4 cells and the other had 5 cells. Has anyone had this go onto the blastocyst stage? I’m feeling exhausted and tired of the wait
Slow embryos :( : So out of 11 eggs,... - Fertility Network UK
Slow embryos :(
I’m so sorry … did they not offer to transfer them both day 3? That is what my clinic offer if only one or 2 still going at day 3 but I did let them go to day 5 to see anyways xx
In my last cycle I had two fertilised embryos, one reached blastocyst on day 5 as expected and was transferred but unfortunately ended in a chemical pregnancy. The second wasn’t ready on day 5 so they gave it an extra day and it made it by day 6 so was frozen. She’s how the sassiest two year old you’ll ever meet. She’s please keep the faith xx
my day 6 BB embryo is now sleeping in her crib next to me 💖
my slow, fragmented embryo is currently 4 months and enjoying his first holiday in the sun. Keep the faith it’s so hard especially when low numbers, we always only ended up with only 1-3 but I use to think quality over quantity
On my second round, we got 13 eggs and only 1 fertilised normally, but was a slow 2BB on day 5 which was frozen. She is now 2.5 weeks old and screaming her head off when she doesn’t get food quickly enough. I remember being so devastated and worried it wouldn’t work. The thing is, you just never know and you hope for the best x