Hi all, have any of you had slow embryos that made it to blastocyst and then went onto the transfer. I feel so disheartened that mine have made 4 or 5 cells in day 3 😔
slow embryos :(: Hi all, have any of... - Fertility Network UK
slow embryos :(
I didn’t want to read and run. I’m hardly a great example or positive story. But I feel your pain. I just wanted to say I’ve seen plenty of people have embryos that pick up once the sperm/embryo DNA kicks in after day 3. Also it really does only take one to make it to transfer. In my first cycle I only got one egg but it still made it to great quality blastocyst. It only takes one. I know how awful this wait is. Be kind to yourself and take care of you - be a bit selfish and I hope you have some distracting activities - I find audiobooks and crafts great.
I’ve not had any transfers yet, but we did have an embryo that was very slow, but by day 6 made it to a 4BC and is now in the freezer.
Keeping everything crossed for you! Xxx
My day 6 BB embryo is now sleeping in her crib next to me 💖
I had the same roller coaster recently and this day 3 call from the embryologist was very hard so I completely feel you. On 6 fertilised eggs, 5 were developping but they told us they were developping with abnomalities. We finally had 1 warrior at day 5 that was transfered (all other stopped unfortunately) and the test was positive … before I was not really convince when people were saying it only takes one but now it makes more sense… of course now we need to wait to be safe but dont lose hope 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 sending you a lot of strenght !!!
Yes! My son who was 5 earlier this month was a slow growing embryo and on the day 5 transfer he'd not reached the stage for grading yet. I had given up all hope on that cycle and it was (and still remains!), the biggest surprise ever. I know it's so difficult but please do not get hung up on grading/stages - you would never know this information during a natural conception. All the best! X