Hi everyone. I posted recently about going through a third failed cycle. We have male factor infertility so have used icsi. My husband has been working hard over the last year or so on improving his diet and fitness, as well as taking supplements.
I did wonder if a miracle had happened in August, my last cycle before IVF. My period, which is normally as regular as clockwork, was a whole 7 days late. I'd dismissed those thoughts at first but by day 4 I was beginning to wonder. I checked my tracking app and could see back through the history of several years, it had never been later than 3 days. On day 5 I took a pregnancy test and I wasn't sure. I thought I could detect the faintest positive line, a real squinter. More visible if I took a photo and adjusted the colours. I thought if I was pregnant it would have been clearer, so the next day I took a digital test that read negative. A day after that I started bleeding.
But it made me wonder, was I briefly pregnant? Did I have a chemical? If so, that may just give the faintest glimmer of hope that this could happen naturally for us after all. We've not used contraception in probably 6 years and that's the closest we may have come. But maybe now my OH has got himself into better shape, things may have changed.
What do you think? Does that faintest of faint lines and a week longer cycle than normal give me anything to hang onto? Or was it just a natural variation and my line eyes deceiving me? I deleted the photo of my test after my period came so can't share it here now.