Hi everyone. It's my first IVF cycle, and I managed to wait until the day advised by my clinic (today) to do a pregnancy test. I did have pains around implantation, have had some brown discharge after, as well as feeling nauseous and loss of appetite (though appreciate this could be stress). However, both of the ones the clinic gave me were negative (with maybe the faintest possible line if you really looked for it, but it barely shows on the picture) but the clearblue test showed a clear cross for pregnant. Is clearblue more reliable than the little sticks the clinic give you? Feeling really anxious.
One negative, one positive pregnancy ... - Fertility Network UK
One negative, one positive pregnancy test

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I wonder if the tests you were given were less sensitive than the clear blue ones? Did you use first urine as that can make a difference at this early point. I would say a false positive is extremely unlikely. Maybe get your clinic to run HCG blood tests ? If they won’t medi checks do them. Ideally have 2 done 2 days apart. That might help put your mind at ease. All the best and congrats Xx
I would say that you need to redo the tests....depends on the test they have diferent sensitivity.
I had use in the one from clearblue that it is digital and it tells you the weeks, because it was driving me crazy not being sure with some of the other tests.
Good luck
That looks positive to me, I don't know if they're the same but when I used cheap test strips from Amazon it took about a week past when my period was due to get a really strong line, barely visible initially. First Response and Clear Blue were darker earlier on.
I’ve had a false positive with clearblue (last FET) and it was pretty devastating. I’m not planning to test before blood test because of it… better to just wait to find out rather than go through that again. Fingers crossed for you!