Hi everyone,
Today we got the great news our 5 day old embryo caught up on the development stages!! On day 5 it was 2.3? But we were told it's on its way to developing into a blastocyst and needed one more day. Today is day 6 and we got the news it is fully developed, even fully hatched so they were able to do pgta biopsy and freeze. We are told our embryo is now graded 6BB and is frozen on the end of the stick. The embryologist explained because our 'BB' is fully hatched it doesn't have its outer shell to protect it and thawing survival rate is around 80% . I guess I'm just wondering had anyone been in a similar situation and had a successful transfer? How long did you wait to transfer? Ideally we want to wait 3 months to transfer. My body really suffered during this cycle and egg collection. I just got discharged from the hospital after mild ohss. I feel like I need a break but I'm worried waiting might make it more fragile? Any advice or shared experiences would be really great. Thank you xx