I’ve not posted since my miscarriage as needed to give myself a break from it all but am now about to start my second round of ivf (icsi) - with injections starting tomorrow.
I’m feeling extremely apprehensive about it because I feel so much more pressure this time around. Especially as it feels like all our eggs are (quite literally) in one basket. Due to my low AMH we didn’t qualify for NHS so have self funded and the only option open to us from Access Fertility was a two cycle option. As we only had one egg fertilise from the first round with nothing to freeze - this feels like our last chance. At a push we may be able to afford a third round but it would wipe out all of our savings. My husband is a charity worker so is on a low wage and my wage pays the bills.
I really want to be positive and I’m usually a glass half full girl but I’m terrified that it’s not going to work. After experiencing the lows and highs I’ve been through - the disappointment of the first round failing, then falling pregnant naturally (our little miracle) which then ended at just 6.5 weeks… I also feel like I need to hope for the best but prepare myself for the worst.
This forum was such a huge help to me during the first round and I hope I’ve helped others too.
Sending baby dust to you all
Lis x