Do I need to stop having hope - Test ... - Fertility Network UK

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Do I need to stop having hope - Test results, have I lost my miracle?

Flowergirlhope profile image
18 Replies

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Just really wanting to know if anyone out there has had the same?

Feeling really anxious, I tested early on 7DPT and got a strong positive (on a previous post) then day 9 DPT line even stronger! both of these were first response early detection ones. Then yesterday (11 DPT) i tested with a normal ClearBlue (not early detection) and the line one was a faint 2 liner, and the digital said not pregnant! I also tested positive for COVID this day too!

So doctor said try another early detection one this morning as maybe still too early. So I got a early detection ClearBlue and i can hardly even see a line (12DPT). I've just so sure this is me out and feel devastated.

My actual test day is tomorrow (13DPT) so i have some more early detection First Response tests coming today and will test again tonight and tomorrow morning to compare the lines to the first tests i did.

I've attached my pics of the tests of sat, yesterday & today. sorry cant seem to upload the closer one of the test today where you can only just see a faint line

I'm feeling so numb - has anyone had similar and it been positive or do i just not hope anymore?!

I'm still getting all the tight pinch pains and lower back ache.......but cant pin anything on that i guess

Any experience would be so helpful


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18 Replies
Millbanks profile image

Hello lovely,

I absolutely hate those clear blue tests because for me they have given me evap lines and false hope - and never seem to give the accurate answer.

I tend to stick to FRER or even the easy at home ones - which seem to be better.

Like you say, I would test again with the same brand and see how it's looking.

Fingers crossed for you xxx

Flowergirlhope profile image
Flowergirlhope in reply to Millbanks

Thanks so much Lovely for your kind message.

Yes, honestly just getting sick of testing now and just cant believe that all my happiness has been shattered. Thursday was the best day ever as we have NEVER got a positive test before and then saturday when it was stronger line i was over the moon.

Just so struggling with it today😪😪 and keep thinking why! we truly thought this one was it, especially as i've been on steriods, Blood Thinners, intrilipids and Cyclogest! All because they found my NK cells were high, so was very confident it would work, plus all the symptoms im having.

I will test with first Response tonight in hopes i get another positive. I have read a few posts saying the blue dye tests are rubbish and they only the red dye tests are reliable, but then i sort of think would any test not pick anything up?! ah dear so many questions.

Guess just got to keep praying that a miracle happens tonight🙏🙏


Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Flowergirlhope

I actually can't bear testing at home because it is so stressful. But I totally agree, the blue dye tests are so unreliable.

It's also so hard not to stress over the line progression, when in reality it fluctuates dependent on the time of day, how much you've drank etc.

I've had tests not pick up HCG when another test is showing positive - so it's just impossible to know!

I am really hoping you get good news later xx

Flowergirlhope profile image
Flowergirlhope in reply to Millbanks

Bless you thanks 🥰🤗 for your kind words and hope you have given me - I'll keep you posted. Hopefully its just the jolly Clearblue ones that are not good!! We sure are being tested.🙃🙃

My clinic or doctor wont give me a BETA blood test either which is so annoying. So much red tape these days.

Lets hope tonight is good 🙏🙏


Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Flowergirlhope

That is so annoying! It is so much easier to look at the bloods and it tells you so much more.

Gosh yes, everything in IVF is testing!! Fingers crossed this is a sticky one xxx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Flowergirlhope

Did you test again lovely? x

Flowergirlhope profile image
Flowergirlhope in reply to Millbanks

Yes - think our miracle has stopped growing😭😭just couldnt stop crying last night and this morning, we've done everything this time round! .......I dont know what to think this is this mornings test....maybe can see something faint i dont know (if i do it's incredibly light)......i'm just so confused. or is it an evap line?!

Just waiting for the clinic to call me. just wish they would get on and do a blood test - it's stressful enough without the extra stress of trying to push for a blood test!


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Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Flowergirlhope

Oh my love, I'm so sorry. There is a line there but it does look like a chemical pregnancy 💔

This journey is so cruel.

Sending a massive hug xx

Flowergirlhope profile image
Flowergirlhope in reply to Millbanks

Bless you thanks so much. Yes just don't know what to think....just had a call from the clinic they were really sweet and said we want you to still take the meds up until friday as you could just be still too early, and they say if you were that positive last week so early and even though its so so faint they still don't dis-regard the pregnancy until there is absolutely no line and they would want to confirm anyway with bloods.

If there is still a faint line on Friday morning then they was me in for a blood test as this will tell them for definite what my HCG levels are.

Wow - I literally have just felt so sick all today and feel like a baby just cant stop getting weepy.


Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Flowergirlhope

It's so hard to know isn't it. Definitely keep taking the meds because you really do never know.

Its completely understandable to feel upset - I have been through it many times. xx

Flowergirlhope profile image
Flowergirlhope in reply to Millbanks

Thanks - yes afraid I didn't take any last night or this morning as I just did not even feel like it, especially as the fragmin injections give me so much pain. But they said it will be fine....just to start back on them tonight.

Ahh so sorry for you too xxx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Flowergirlhope

I have also done that too. Its so disheartening to keep taking meds when it feels pointless.

Thank you - we got our miracle in the end - don't give up xx

Hopeful_88 profile image

Hi Flowergirlhope I have no experience as I have never had a BFP, but I want to say that I am sending you all the positivity and praying you get a good outcome xxx

Melian44 profile image

Hi Flowergirlhope ! ClearBlue can be pretty unreliable so early on, especially if you've had late implantation/low starting bHCG.

I tested early for my last transfer and got a couple of very, very faint lines on early ClearBlue tests (like yours above), which fluctuated from day to day and not getting systematically darker. I was so sure I was out that I had a virtual consultation with a new clinic and told them my latest transfer hadn't worked! Then on OTD I did a ClearBlue digital that turned out positive, and my blood test came back barely positive (12 bHCG, when most people are 60 to 300 at that stage). I was sure it would be a chemical, but I am now 38 weeks pregnant and getting vigorously kicked in the ribs by a feisty little boy.

All that to say, don't loose hope until your official test day. As your clinic doesn't offer it, you may also consider going private for a couple of bHCG tests, if this is possible logistically/financially; a least you'll get a clear picture and peace of mind.

Sending you a lot of love and hope for a positive outcome xxx

Boymom2222 profile image

never jump between test types. Always stick to the same brand if testing progression. Hope everything is okay

alma88 profile image

hi, I am really sorry, I’ve gone through something similar myself but I ended up thinking it was false positive due injections, not sure what medications you used but I had 3 Ovitrelle injections(last one 4days after transfer) and that’s where my hccg came from.I felt pregnant( Been before but miscarried), day 12DPT was showing pregnant 1-2weeks, day 13 negative, hccg blood test day 14 - barely 4 so my clinic said defo not pregnant and I’ve learnt my lesson not to test before test day😔.

Flowergirlhope profile image
Flowergirlhope in reply to alma88

Sorry to hear that xx ahh so hard!

I wasnt on any injections - was a natural FET this time (3rd transfer) only took cyclogest pessaries

Clinic have just called to say they still want me to take my meds up until Friday morning and to do another test, as it still be just i'm not showing enough. But by friday should start seeing something. Ahh really praying that a miracle happens although i'm not too hopeful!

Just cant stop crying!💔💔

sending lovexx

alma88 profile image
alma88 in reply to Flowergirlhope

might be chemical but don’t loose hope yet there’s still a chance, fingers crossed for a BFP on Fri x

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