Hi everyone well I'm now 13dp3dt which means it's test day tomorrow. I will be travelling 3hours to the hospital to have my beta in the morning, should get results back just after dinner. I tested on 9dp3dt and got a faint positive, the line is getting a bit darker and still showing positive today (see pic - first response one step test the one that picks up from day one of missed period - not the early detection one) but still lighter than the control line. I am so scared and nervous of anything going wrong tho. Hoping and praying for a nice high hcg, what has other people's beta level been on test day?? also still having a little brown spotting every now and again. Every little thing just worrying me at the minute, each twinge or cramp has me on edge so tomorrow can't come soon enough. Hope everyone else is doing ok? xxx
Beta tomorrow - nervous : Hi everyone... - Fertility Network UK
Beta tomorrow - nervous

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Best of luck my test was really light when a first found out a was pregnant so hard u never believe it lol when the doctor told me I was pregnant still didn't believe it lol but u will be fine what an amazing Xmas gift xxx
Thankyou melaineh 😊 so glad to hear I'm not the only one with test lines lighter than control line still. My other half is staying sceptical until we get results tomorrow, I just want to get excited but scared to. What was the level of your first beta? 💗Xx
They never told me a level I was only around 4 weeks so why was so light , they its a wait for the 8 weeks scan , but I have fingers crossed for u all will be fine , tbh a thought when got positive and then scan would relax a little bit a worried till my son was here xxx
Ahh right, I'm having a beta tomorrow so will find out what level my hcg is and not sure what's normal I might have to do a bit of googling lol 😊... My best friend Google haha. I'm 13dp3dt so 4wk. Oh I hope it's good news tomorrow, iv done washing this morning now laid on sofa with lower back pain on left and niggles in stomach. It's never easy for us, even if good tomorrow I will worry for another 2wk until 6wk scan. Xx
Congrats! Xx I just got my 1st bfp 2 weeks ago so I know how excited and shocked you must feel On test day my hcg was 122, I googled and think I read at the time anything over 50 was ok but don't quote me
Had another beta done a week later and it was 7420! I really recommend getting 2nd later one done if you can as it really helps put your mind at rest the little bean is growing ok
It looks like that positive line is getting stronger by the day so it will probably be darker again by tomorrow. Try not to worry about the spotting as unless it gets heavy I doubt it's much to worry about. I had spotting a bit later on so I know how nerve racking it can be!
Good luck for tomorrow! I didn't have a beta test, the clinic just asked me to do a hpt and call in with the result.
It looks like a nice clear line to me, particularly if it's a first day test so congratulations! If you're concerned about the spotting then you could always ask your hospital about it? I wouldn't worry too much about the cramping as that seems to be relatively normal. If you've had fresh transfer then even more so as your ovaries will still be recovering from EC. I got regular pains until at least 7 weeks pregnant and I was still getting the odd one or 2 at 12 weeks. Hope all goes well tomorrow x
Good luck hunni x
Good luck Flossy! X
Good luck flossy. Thinking of you. Xxxxx