Morning , just a bit of a concern this morning I’m day 10 post 5day transfer, when going to the toilet I’ve noticed a brown discharge? Not like my usual period but there is something there when i wipe also back ache & bit of cramping really starting to worry i did a test this morning and it was negative. My official test date is this Friday any advice ?
Day 10post embryo transfer - Fertility Network UK
Day 10post embryo transfer

Couple weeks ago I finished my 3rd cycle.
I done early test on 10dpt5dt and I had positive. I didn’t have any symptoms but I did had some brown spotting and now and again like period pain.
Two days after was my OTD and it was negative.
Everyone is different hun ...cramps and brown spotting is normally good sign ...and sometimes testing early it could be to early. Don’t worry yet and hold on till Friday . Xx
Thank you this is such a difficult time, i can only keep positive until then, sorry it was a negative did you test again or has it failed ? X
I didn’t test again... they told me I can test in couple days but my period was start coming day after.
Well we got appointment in may to see the doctor in clinic to discuss that last cycle... we have some questions that left us bit confused and we need some answers before we do next step . Xx
Wishing you the best of
Luck 💗xx
Thank u hun xx
Everyone one is different...did work for me before which I thought baby girl is 23 months old .... This time things turn different....but there is always hope .
I truly believe that good things happens to good people .
Hold on till Friday hun xx Fingers crossed and please keep us update hun . Xx
Everyone is different. I had the same as you. It was brown on day 10 and 11 and I felt hopeful but then on day 12 full flow period so I knew it failed before test day. My advice is that you 1. Continue your medication and do not stop even if you get red blood. 2. Inform your clinic- they might decide to up your progesterone dose (this depends a lot on clinic and patient) 3. Try and keep positive, test again on day 13. Good luck for you x