Did anyone's period come late after a failed transfer. I obviously had a period straight after the tww.. but now a few days late for the next cycle and just wondered if others experienced late periods x
Period after a failed transfer - Fertility Network UK
Period after a failed transfer

I am so sorry for your failed transfer. Mine was 58 days 'late' after my last failed one. Try not to worry about it. It will come eventually. Your hormones are all over the shop so just try to be patient with your body, it's been through a lot. Xx
Pink090 so sorry to hear your transfer didnt go as hoped. My period was quite late after my failed transfer. It takes awhile for the body to figure out what's going on, give yourself time and try not to stress (I know easier said than done!) xx
I waited 3 months for my period after my failed cycle. I was on a lot of stims so it makes sense that things would take time to go back to normal.
Sorry to hear your transfer didn't work 🥺 I've had two failed rounds, 2 transfers and and after stopping progesterone each time my period was almost 2 months late - my clinic told me it can take up to 3 months for it to return to normal. It's horrible waiting for it especially if it is delaying futher treatment xx
thank you for your response... the waiting and not knowing is the worst, I naively thought it would just come back as normal 😔. just need to be realistic now and maybe look to start treatment more Nov/Dec again. hope you are ok xx