Hi everyone,
I'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. I have unexplained infertility and have had absent periods for 2 years. I was first put on letrozole for 3 cycles which did not help me ovulate, before moving onto injections (Ovaleap). I'm on the wait list for IVF but Dr said I can do ovulation induction while I wait.
My first cycle on Ovaleap I was on 7.5 per day until day 14 when I ended up with 9 follicles between 15mm-18mm meaning the cycle was abandoned and I didn't get the trigger shot to make me ovulate as I was too high risk of multiple birth.
This cycle they lowered the dose to 5.0 Ovaleap however I have 2 follicles at 15mm that won't grow anymore. I'm on day 25 now and the Dr said this cycle will be abandoned if they don't grow in the next couple of days, and I won't get the trigger as they need to reach 18mm.
I'm just so frustrated and disheartened and don't know whether to do another cycle of this as it just doesn't seem to be going right for me!
Any advice would be appreciated x