I am considering taking DHEA if my current ivf cycle is not successful.I have extremely low amh/non existant and I have read that you shouldn't take DHEA if you have endo?Has anyone taken it that has endo?x
Has anyone taken DHEA while having en... - Fertility Network UK
Has anyone taken DHEA while having endometriosis?

I’m sorry you’re in this position.
I did take DHEA before my 3rd egg collection and had a really bad response - my endo flared badly and I had the worst quality eggs from any cycle having previously had excellent blastocyst grades and 100% fertilisation (it wasn’t that long after our first or second egg collection to say it was just age and nothing else changed).
So I’m very cautious about DHEA now.
If you do take it I think lower dose and ensuring your bloods monitored important. Good luck xx
Thank you for your reply.We are very lucky to have a beautiful 15month old from our second ivf cycle and were lucky to get pregnant naturally in feb this year but unfortunately ended in a miscarriage(second one).We would love to be able to give her a sibling and will do all we can and if it dosen't work then we will be happy that we at least tried.x
I’ve taken DHEA as I was recommended by my consultant. I wasn’t aware of any link to endo.
Although unsuccessful , my egg quality was good, not sure if DHEA helped or just coincidence .
hello, can I ask what the optimal levels were for you based on your age?
I was recommended 75mg (25 x3 times a day)
I have no ever gotten mire that 2 fertilised eggs but they always been good quality.
I’m about to start another cycle but my consultant has asked me not to take it this time. Not sure why but I’m not taking it which makes me nervous about how it’ll affect my next outcome .
I suggest you try DHEA but also monitor your blood so it doesn't worsen things . If I may ask, how old are you? Normally it's recommended for women 40+
It can be helpful but it's a balance if you have endo. First measure your DHEA-S levels in blood, if lower than around 100 mcg/dL you can supplement but start with 25 mg a day maximum. You need to monitor so your levels don't exceed 270 mcg/dL. Ideally check testosterone levels too, they should not exceed 45 ng/dL (however I don't think it'll be an issue in your case). The problem with DHEA is that it does not only convert to testosterone but also to estrogen, which can make your endo worse. When I have taken too much DHEA I have gotten quite severe estrogen dominance and it has messed up my cycle, especially the luteal phase.
If DHEA-S is around 180 mcg/dL or slightly higher it can possibly help your egg quality. The information above is partly from It Starts With The Egg.
I took it before my last egg collection, didn't take it for too long (2months) I have endometriosis with two endometriomas on my ovary so much amh is also low. I have had 3 egg collections (the first resulted in our daughter with none to freeze) the first after that gave us one blastocyst which didn't work. The third collection after taking DHEA and NAC as well as the usual coq10, multi vit and omega 3 lead to 5 eggs and 3 blastocysts and my first frozen embryo! No idea if it was the DHEA or the NAC but it was my best result ever in terms of embryo development. Currently in the middle of FET prep
Hello, I have started taking DHEA-s even though my levels were in range. I am 44 and the doctor in US suggested who is also a pioneer of DHEA that I need to have towards the higher end of the range. I have taken it for almost 4 weeks now. I did ask him if too much of it will fry my eggs and his answer was ‘no’. I have my egg retrieval in 3 weeks so will see how that goes.
My periods were ok this time accompanied by the usual pain you have with adeno. I am not sure what impact it may cause. I have been told to downregulate. for my transfer.!
He also told me to take it for minimum of 6 weeks before the transfer and to continue taking it until positive pregnancy test. I will stop it after egg collection and then start again if I get a positive pregnancy test. There are few side effects. I have been having oily hair and some acne.