Hey guys,
I'm new to this forum....
I had my 4th FET (transfered 2 embies) on 16th Aug evening and I'm now 9DPT. I had a very light pink discharge on my finger at 4 or 5dpt (can't remember) while inserting progesterone suppos. I thought that's good, this is implantation bleeding (never got this in my previous 3 negative transfers). However today at 9dpt I've come down with a horrible cold. Been sneezing and coughing all day and sneezes have been quite violent. After sneezing just now, I thought I felt something in my panty (tmi) so I went to check, I wiped with tissue and rust watery discharge was there. Is it over for me ? My clinic does beta only at 14dpts so my beta is still 5 days away and I don't have the courage to do a home pregnancy test. Any help girls ? Any words of advise or doom?
Btw my last transfer I had started spotting at 10dpt and not before (not even supposed implantation bleeding) and I think that was coz of lesser progesterone or irritation to my cervix coz of suppositories. However this time I'm on progynova (6mg a day) and PIO (100mg) and suppository(800 mg ) a day. So I wasn't expecting this. Also been getting lower back cramps on and off.
Please let me know what you'll think this could be ?