I’ve been testing everyday very strong lines stronger each day getting to the point lines are darker than test line, but this morning when I went for a wee (tested strongest line yet) wiped and had little bit of pink blood/discharge , think it’s a bit late for implantation bleeding, had to insert my progesterone and the vaguen cavity was full of blood or anything should I be worried
5wks 1 day very strong positive line... - Fertility Network UK
5wks 1 day very strong positive lines but little but if bleeding today

Spotting and bleeding is horribly common in the first trimester and doesn’t necessarily mean anything is wrong at all. The hospital called my spotting at 6-7weeks “implantation bleeding” but the reality is that it just means bleeding in very early pregnancy and not that anything is implanting.
Those progesterone pesseries can cause irritation and all the hormones can make your cervix more sensitive and prone to bleeding.
Always worth a call to your clinic but unless it gets heavier, big breaths and carry on with your medications until your viability.
Like lots of people here, I have had bleeding in early pregnancy turn heavier and have a negative outcome but I also had spotting and bleeding throughout the first trimester with my son (who is a healthy little boy now).
Fingers crossed for you!
In early pregnancy I had a mix of dark blood and fresh blood spotting, it turned out to be a hematoma and I am 35+3. I know it’s hard not to worry but as Kittykat198 mentions below, it is common in the first trimester. So hang in there and hopefully not too long before you have your viability scan xx
Thank you I’m not experiencing any pain I’ve just been to the toilet again seems to have stopped just the usual by product from the suppositories I did have two embryos transferred too so who knows what’s going on in there feeling more relaxed already 🤞🏻
in my first pregnancy I had implantation bleed at 8dpt then this pregnancy I’ve had big bleeds at 5 6 and 7 weeks. It was fresh blood with a couple of clots and I thought it was over but all was fine I had private scans at 6 and 7 weeks and there was no obvious cause and I’m now 17 weeks! It can be from cervix irritation after pessaries so you could try using them rectally. If you can’t get a scan then I’d recommend getting private blood tests through medichecks just to keep your mind at rest I know how difficult it is to stop worrying! Xx
Thank you it stopped straight away, it’s the third time now always very pale pink and literally one wipe, I’ve sent off bloods today so be interesting to see what they come back as I’m feeling pretty relaxed as my test this morning is substantially darker it’s getting to the point it’s where it’s doing the ink stealing from the test line and my symptoms are increasing day by day too nausea has started now too so am thinking my levels are going to be fairly high 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Depends on colour and consistency. Does it look like period blood or not? Carry on doing what you are doing with pessaries. If it is a period it will turn into full flow. This is what happened to me and it just kept on going and was very heavy. Not like implantation bleeding. X
I had the exact same thing a few days ago and absolutely terrified myself, I contacted my nurse who advised using my Cyclogest the other way as I could of caused trauma and had a bit or irritation. I get the odd spotting now and again when wiping but looking into things its normal. I think its more scary as this is something no one every speaks about when in the 1st trimester xxx
yes I’ve had the one off implantation bleeding previously that lasted the one wipe before but not had this, I’ve had this three times now all about a week apart but I’ve never had such a high dose of medication before so definitely think this must be the cause