i need your advice ladies! I had my second frozen embryo transfer last month. First one was in Feb that resulted in a very early miscarriage. This one was last month and did not show a positive pregnancy test at all. I did multiple tests 11 days after FET and they were all negative. I Informed my clinic and they asked me to stop all meds, so I did. I even stopped folic acid etc because I was quite disheartened and the meds were making me sick. I started bleeding 2 days later which was like my period and stopped bleeding in 7 days. Then I didn’t bleed for 2 days and started to bleed again 2 days ago which was unexpected for me as last time when I stopped the meds I only bled for a week. I thought it might be normal as I was told that you can have some irregular bleeding after stopping meds so I didn’t pay too much attention. Then today I started passing quite big clots and felt extremely exhausted! This exhaustion was so similar to when I had my first miscarriage so I don’t know why I just decided to do another pregnancy test despite my heavy bleeding and it is positive. I am so shocked and don’t know what to do! Is it a pregnancy due to FET or did I conceive naturally as I had sex once after the negative test just on the day when I stopped taking my meds? And if I did conceive, am I having a miscarriage again because I am passing clots! I am so shocked and upset, more because I stopped all meds too soon I think!
not sure what to do after first negat... - Fertility Network UK
not sure what to do after first negative and then positive pregnancy test

Hi lovely if you have meds I would start taking them again till you no for sure what’s going on and phone your clinic in the morning and tell them you been bleeding on and off so you have done another test and your pregnant may be they will get you in for a scan hope everything works out ok lovely xx
This must be very upsetting for you. Can you call your clinic? If you can't get hold of them I agree with previous response that in that situation I would go back on the meds as you would have been on them anyway and then try and get hold of your clinic asap. Ask them to do HCGs (and repeat them) and progesterone, and a scan. If they won't your GP or EPU might help. If you've conceived naturally then in theory you shouldn't need the meds but best to speak to your clinic as if you're bleeding and had a prior loss they may say keep taking the progesterone. I conceived naturally immediately after a failed FET and I panicked I'd messed up by not being on them and I did go back on progesterone until I could speak to my consultant but it probably didn't make any difference and he said I didn't need to be on them. Hopefully you can get some answers soon.