Hello again. EC Monday - 2 Fertilised - Recommended 3 day transfer x 2 embryos which have 50% fragmentation. I have had a call from the clinic to recommend a double transfer tomorrow. Me & my partner were adamant we didn’t want a double transfer but both being such low quality this is their recommendation. Can anyone provide their experience & successes of day 3 transfer? I feel a bit deflated my partner still isn’t sure about putting 2 back in. Any help or kind works would be appreciated!!!
Day 3 Double Transfer - any advice? - Fertility Network UK
Day 3 Double Transfer - any advice?

Hi there.Yes I had a day3 transfer of 2 embyros and now have a beautiful 14month old.We are going again in Sept and will have another day 3 transfer if we are lucky enough to have anything to transfer.Wishing you soo much luck.xx
Aww thanks so much for the reply 🙏🏻 do you mind me asking how old you are? I think we were recommended 2 transferred as I’m 40. What the grade were your two? She will tell me tomorrow but did say both have 50% fragmentation.
Hi, in our third IVF round we had three Day 3 embryos and were advised to transfer all as a fresh transfer. It was a mix of factors being 40 years old, low numbers of embryos, and having two previous failed transfers (single and double). The doctor was concerned that trying to freeze or waiting until Day 5 would lose them and our best chance of getting even one embryo to implant was this approach. My husband had tested high for sperm DNA fragmentation but the embryos seemed fairly good/ok quality (2 out of 4 on their scale, 1 being best) though we didn’t PGTA test them.
I realize this decision is not for everyone and certainly has risks so am not advocating it, just sharing our experience. We went with the advice of the clinic and were finally lucky to find out that I’m pregnant with one baby, now 10 weeks. It’s still early days but so far so good.
Wishing you best of luck whatever you decide!
Oh bless you 🙏🏻. Although, we went to day 5 with our embys, we were recommended to have 2 transferred as well, and that was mainly due to my age (I was 41). But I think our clinic do it as standard anyway.
We had 3 embys remaining at day 5, with the 3rd going to day 6, so we could freeze it if it was good quality. Unfortunately we weren’t able to do that as it stopped developing past day 5. But we had the 2 really good ones ready for transfer. We didn’t even hesitate when they asked us if we wanted a double transfer. And I’m so grateful for this as 1 didn’t stick. But we were very lucky that 1 did, and we had our beautiful little girl, who is now 1 years old. So for us, it was absolutely the best decision x x
Aww thanks for the reply and a huge congratulations on your daughter! This gives me hope.! We had the double transfer today. There was a lot of fragmentation over 50% they could see six cells in one and four in the other. She felt she couldn’t grade them based on the lack of visibility based . All we can do is wait and hope now 🤞🏼
Awwww amazing. I think ours were similar. One had started to hatch too! Which naively I had absolutely idea is what happens, how funny eh.
You’ll have an anxious wait now for sure, but I wish you all the luck in the world. And if you do have twins, it’s meant to be, they’ll be so so precious, and your family will be complete 🙏🏻 x x
Hi I had a day 3 transfer… 3 embryos, one is now my 10 month old baby boy ❤️❤️❤️
By OBGYN standards I”m a Dinosaur. I had my egg retrieval at 44, and found out a week before my 45th bday that I was pregnant. I’m now 46 with a 10 month old. Out of 10 retrieved, 6 fertilized, 3 transferred. No Genetic testing, I waited till 12 week tests.One took and one made it into the freezer!wishing you the best of luck ❤️❤️
OMG amazing I love this! Great numbers, what’s your secret? Thanks for sharing your story ❤️
I'm 43 and doing a second IVF cycle, and don't want to genetic test this time. Do you know if there are more tests you can do before 12 weeks? Were you ok waiting that long to test?
My previous round got me three day 6 blasts but PGTA said they were all abnormal. 😭
Norbert Gleicher, MD, Wrote an article about a success transfer of a mosaic envyto an older woman in 44ish using her own eggs… and had a totally health baby girl…
He says that embryos of older DOR patients are very fragile and frequently do not live in the lab past day 5 but will survive in utero. And yes, he is officially against PGTA because of how cells are harvested and the rate for false positives. I don’t know of any other test besides the blood test I took at 12 weeks to find out if things are normal or not. It’s an excruciating amount of waiting when I read that doctors work. The idea of thrown out perfectly good embryos because of the PGTA Was horrifying. Everyone is an individual. That’s just what worked us. My husband and I plan to do the same thing with our little frosty. it was good enough to freeze hopefully it will be beautiful and healthy like his older brother. Wishing you the best.
Interesting. Mine grew to day 6. It's so painful that this clinic doesn't even give you the option and then simply says they've been "discarded".
Yes a local consultant to me on the south coast of the UK says he is now worried about the test given the number of viable embryos that could have been discarded....
So now I have to do the process all over again.
And try to assess each clinics policy as I don't want a repeat of my first cycle and a clinic refusing to let me try with them.
Hi, I've had exactly the same as you, double fresh 3DT last Thursday! We asked to do it and the clinic agreed.
I am 38 and this is our 2nd round of IVF. A previous round in Jan got 4 embryos, which became one failed fresh, two failed FET and one failed thaw.
This round has again got 4 embryos, the remaining two were frozen at day 5.
I was told that the risk of twins, despite heightened, still isn't too bad and wouldn't be a disaster. Given all the previous failed transfers I am willing to take the chance if it helps avoid more treatment!
Good luck and baby dust to you! When is your OTD?
Hey! 🤞🏼 for you! That great you got to freeze two and transfer two! Out of interest why did they decide to transfer on day 3 for you? I think they did mine as they were concerned they wouldn’t make it to day 5 blasts. My OTF is 13th is this the same for you? X
They told me that since it was clear which embryos were the strongest at day 3, that it made sense to transfer them then as the uterus is always a better environment. If they hadn't been able to tell they would let them carry on until day 5 to judge.
Am I right that you got two embryos? In that case it makes total sense, as there would be nothing to be gained by waiting for a 5 days, you'd only be risking them. The only reason 5 day blasts have better pregnancy rates is because the weaker embryos are 'weeded out'. If you don't need to make a selection then any embryo has a better chance inside your body than out
OTD is the 14th for me, however I'm going to test this Sunday (11th). My last couple of BFN I got on a weekday and it wrecked me, so despite wanting to be positive I don't want to repeat that experience on a working day!
Hey, sorry for the slow reply! That makes sense! Yes we got two in total. Sounds like a good idea to test a the weekend. I think I’m going to test early too, we have just arrived in Italy & I want to know now! I’m feeling like I have PMS so I don’t feel that positive because of where my mood is at & the amount of fragmentation our little embryos had. I think the fact you had two go to day 5 and get frozen is really positive. Sending 🙏🏻 & baby dust your way!! Out of interest were you long or short protocol?
As a day 3 transfer it’s still early, when’s your OTD? ✨🤞
Tue 13th I did an early (6 day early) detection test today. Never mind, will try again & see what changes we can make x
Hi, I had a double day 3 frozen transfer and have a 3 week baby boy. I'll 44 next week. My own eggs and prior to this transfer, all 4 fresh transfers failed. Good luck x
Congratulations that’s amazing! Thanks for sharing this gives me hope we have 3 attempts. Did you make any changes during your cycles? Xxx
Thank you. During my last fresh transfer we added clexane, aspirin, lubion and prednisolone and the transfer failed. Then I was advised by my NHS clinic to have hycosy procedure and that I would need hysterscopy if they found something. I had the hycosy and it was all clear. Had frozen transfer after 2 months and that cycle was successful, with the same address ons. It was a medicated cycle x
Thanks for the reply! That’s interesting they recommend a hycosy, I thought this was only to check if your tubes were blocked which wouldn’t matter for ivf? I had a Hycosy over a year ago which was clear. I hadn’t heard of a hysterscopy, I just had to google this. Hopefully my clinic will recommend some changes. Given we only had 2 fertilise out of 8 and have no idea if they made it to day 5, I’ll ask if there are any tests we can have as it seems a quality issue. Thanks again for replying 🫶🏼 x x x
I was advised that hycosy also assesses the uterus not just the tubes. Initially they advised hysterscopy but I declined because there was a 4 month waiting list hence they advised hycosy. If you only had 2, they should have transferred at day 3 as there is a risk the embryos may not survive in the dish at day 5. Wishing you all the best X keep us posted xx
Day 3 transfer success here. Transferred two day 3 day 8 cell grade 1 embryos. Started off with twins. Now have a healthy 1 month old baby boy lying on my lap after a feed. I was 43 years old at retrieval, embryos transferred when I was 44 and a bit. My baby boy arrived 6 weeks before my 45th birthday. If you told me this last year - I would have totally scoffed at you but miracles do happen and it really does just take one!
Love this. Thanks so much for sharing! Sometimes on this journey it feels like it’s a distant dream, sharing stories really helps lift spirits and shows that dreams can come true! Do you mind me asking how many rounds you had to get to this and if you have any hints, tips? Also did you experience any embryo fragmentation? Sadly my two didn’t stick, both had over 50% fragmentation. I will be going again x x x
I don’t think there was fragmentation with these day 3 embryos. I was always getting 80-100% fertilisation of my eggs. Partners sperm was normal morphology and he has children from a previous relationship.
Neither of us drink or smoke. Stuck to a Mediterranean diet about 60-70% of the time ( I can’t resist a sweet treat or a cheeky takeaway) I went to gym 2-3 times a week. I have a normal BMI 21. My issue was hypertension- despite low sodium diet and exercising- it was high. Saw my GP, started labetolol (one of the safest antihypertensives to take if trying to conceive) and GP did a quick health check including renal ultrasound, echocardiogram and ECG to see if there was any underlying cause. Also did a hormone screen.
Before stims, I took regular prenatals including folate, NAD+, omega 3 capsules, vitamin D. I also took DHEA for 3 months beforehand. Drank lemon water everyday, ate avocado every other day.
We went through 5 cycles in total. 2 at another clinic- the protocol didn’t work for me. Had 7 eggs collected in the first cycle only 4 mature, 1 embryo 4AB. Fresh transfer - bled on cyclogest.
2nd cycle - oestrogen priming, no eggs retrieved. Same protocol as before with pergoveris.
Last 3 cycles at a clinic (chain) which specialises in mild ivf. One month break inbetween cycles. Took small dose thyroxine too ( again 3 months before 3rd cycle) to get TSH -1.5. My thyroid function tests were normal but it helps with egg quality. I asked about growth hormone- my consultant refused she doesn’t believe there is evidence to back its use.
At end of 3 cycles I had 2 day 5 embryos 3bb, 4cc and 3 day 3 2 8 cell grade 1 and 1 6 cell grade 1.
Transferred 2 day 5s in 4/23, BFP. This pregnancy was blighted by a large subchoronic haematoma and bleeding. I did have a know posterior wall fibroid and before transfer I had a hysteroscopy which suggested that the fibroid didn’t compromise the cavity. However all the oestrogen, progesterone caused the fibroid to grow during that pregnancy and despite a negative NIPT. I lost that baby- only 1 implanted.
The loss was managed medically as consultant didn’t want to risk ashermans syndrome with a d&c. It was traumatising but I understood the rationale.
I had a myomectomy in Sept last year. Hysteroscopy in November and was treated with doxycycline (antibiotic prophylaxis) before the transfer. I also had a full autoimmune screen which came back all negative.
I took lubion, cyclogest - 2 suppositories twice a day, oestrogen for 12/52, low dose Prednisolone and had my BP monitored closely by my GP.
I was also on 5mg folic acid whilst taking the prednisolone (for about 12 weeks)
Lubion was stopped at 16/52 and cyclogest at 28 weeks. My BP was the issue at the end of the pregnancy- when I developed preeclampsia, baby was a bit small as he arrived 6/52 earlier. He spent couple of weeks in NICU and I was in for a week. Despite all the challenges I wouldn’t change it for the world and now I have my baby boy. Sorry it was a long winded story but I hope it will help others.
OMG this reply is amazing so helpful to hear your journey! Thanks for sharing! You had some good results with 80-100% fertilisation! The tests you have seem well recommended and you’re the second person to mention NAD+ would you be able to DM me the brand you used. I’m going to look to take some. I had bloods for DHEA today and I’ve booked a full thyroid panel. Interesting mild ivf saw better results! Congratulations and thanks again x x x
No worries. Glad to help. I used truniagen. Purchased off Amazon, I also took açai berry supplements. Good luck x