Hi everyone! I was told by my local EPU that I can have an early scan due to two previous miscarriages. They initially said it would be when I was 7-9 weeks pregnant which made sense to me because there should be a heartbeat. Then I received the appointment date and it’s much earlier than that! They won’t see much at 5w 3 days will they? Has anyone else had a scan this early? Thank you for your help x
Early pregnancy scan - 5w 3 days - Fertility Network UK
Early pregnancy scan - 5w 3 days

Congratulations on your pregnancy and sorry to hear about your miscarriages. I wouldn’t have thought they would be able to see too much at 5w and 3d. Is there any way you could ask them to see you later on? Even a week later would make a difference. However if that is impossible then if it was me I would probably still go to the scan. I wish you all the best with your pregnancy. Take care of yourself xx
Hi, Thanks So much for the message. I have a call scheduled with them on Monday so I might ask about if I can move it to a bit later. Having said that I’m now actually really keen to go.Maybe they will let me go back a few weeks later anyway!
Hi, I had a scan at the EPU at 5+3 and was amazed that they could see the embryo fluttering and the yolk sac. They couldn't work out a 'heart rate' as such but said it all looked good. Was just a blob on a screen to me but so amazing. Now 26 weeks.
Good luck for your scan, I hope all looks reassuring x
I had my sacan at 6 weeks, they saw heartbeat . But it was Vaginal scan not abdominal scan
I everyone - an update.
It was just a tummy scan (not vaginal)
They could see the yolk sac but no fetal pole or heartbeat. They said i was about 5 weeks and it is probably too soon. They said to go back in two weeks time. x