Help please: Hi, Me and my partner... - Fertility Network UK

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Help please

Gemz39 profile image
18 Replies


Me and my partner where lucky to get two trys on the NHS. I had a full fresh transfer but only got two eggs one was very good so this was transfered but failed and the other egg could not be frozen. We were told we could have two cycles on the NHS but I think it was one fresh and one frozen and because we have no frozen eggs that is it. We are lucky we both work and have a house which mortgaged. We can not afford to go private so I will never be a mum how do people deal with this.

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Gemz39 profile image
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18 Replies
Connie290 profile image

Hi, I'm sorry your fresh transfer didn't work.

I also qualify for two rounds on the NHS, but from my understanding, one round is the egg collection, fresh transfer, and any subsequent frozen transfers using embryos from that cycle. So if I'm reading yours correctly, you get the chance to do another egg collection, and transfer all embryos you get from that. Have you spoken to your clinic?

Gemz39 profile image
Gemz39 in reply to Connie290

I am due to speak to my clinic tomorrow but when I googled it it said that you get one fresh transfer on the NHS and one frozen and because we don't have any frozen I thought that meant we would have to go private which we can't afford

MrsOrangejuice profile image

It really varies depending on your local NHS trust - ours was one round including one transfer (fresh or frozen). If they say "two cycles" normally that means two collections so check but don't panic just yet. Also have a look at funding packages for private rounds - depending on your age and certain other factors these can be really good options as they're usually cheaper than the clinic's own prices and many offer money back if you're not successful.

Connie290 profile image
Connie290 in reply to MrsOrangejuice

So in that case, say you had 3 embryos, one went in as a fresh transfer but didn't work, what would happen to your 2 frosties? Would you need to pay privately if you wanted them transferred as well? Sorry for the ignorance, it just seems wild how different health boards can fund things so differently, it's just a postcode lottery isn't it! X

MrsOrangejuice profile image
MrsOrangejuice in reply to Connie290

For us the NHS fresh transfer ended in an early loss so that was it for free as they offer one full round which included one transfer. We had frosties but any frozen transfers of those would have had to have been paid for as we'd done our one and only free transfer. That would have been the same even if the fresh transfer had been a BFN. We could pay the clinic privately to do FETs but I'm not sure if that's always an option or if in some places you have to transfer them to a private clinic. But yes it seems so unfair that your chances of becoming a parent and the finaincial burden can be down to where you live - I think in some places you get three rounds which may even justify moving house!

Gemz39 profile image
Gemz39 in reply to MrsOrangejuice

Thank you I don't think we would qualify for the money back option because I have other under lying medical conditions. I think I am worried because the appointment is by phone so I am think its because its bad news. I have looked at funding packages but we still could not afford it if it was not for the NHS we would have had no chance. I just feel like for me being a mum is a dream that will never happen

MrsOrangejuice profile image
MrsOrangejuice in reply to Gemz39

Wait to see what your clinic says as two cycles normally means you get one round which includes a transfer and if that doesn't result in a living child then you get another round. I hope that's the case. If it is you may find ot helpful to come back on this forum as the people on here have so much experience and may be able to help you prepare and ask the right questions of your clinic before you have another round. It may also be worth speaking to the funding providers just to understand the options available - we used Access and they were very helpful, although yes it is still a lot of money. A family friend has also gone abroad for treatment as it's much cheaper.

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to MrsOrangejuice

Our clinic was the same, 2 cycles which was amazing but now on the 2nd cycle they are saying it HAS to be another collection rather than using up the embryos from the previous round. I don't want to put myself through another egg collection as i've gone through a lot of procedures recently plus I'm really sensitive and even on the lowest dose of meds still got OHSS so bad. Luckily for us, and I assumed due to our complicated history, our consultant is fighting the CCG to amend the rules (for everyone overall) for those who physically cannot go through 2 egg collections, as it's unfair forcing people to do a 'one size fits all method' - just waiting on how he got on but I'm not hopeful as the NHS IVF system is so ridged.

MrsOrangejuice profile image
MrsOrangejuice in reply to Esb27

Totally get your frustration at that position too as it seems counterintuitive to fund another collection when it may not be necessary (or even harmful). I'm so glad you've got a consultant fighting for you and maybe you can keep this forum updated (if you don't mind) as sure it affects a few people on here. Fingers crossed.

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to MrsOrangejuice

Yeah I feel lucky! I spoke to my consultant today, he thinks they will change the rule, which will help others too but nothing 100% confirmed yet. Hopefully in a month or two 😊

Eloquentia profile image

Hi! I am so sorry your round didn't work. You should look into how the NHS defines a 'cycle' in your area. For us it was defined as one fresh round of stimulations and the transfer of all resulting embryos but no more than three. So in one round, we had stimulations, two FETs (so far) and have another FET. If your definition is the same as ours, you should have another full round of stimulations and related FETs. Talk to the Finance Department of your clinic, they will be able to help with that. Fingers crossed!

Estherlovescats profile image

Sorry if you have tried this already. Just i failed 2 cycles of ivf then tried ovulation tracking with mira and a fertilily conception cup and got pregnant naturally right away after the 2nd failed cycle. Have you been advised about that and drugs like letrozole. I think services are too quick to run to ivf. Im 40 btw

Buffy24 profile image

I can recommend Gaia finance for ivf we have used them.

Zassa profile image

I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. 2 cycles should be 2 egg retrievals that is my understanding and wish that you get better results next time. It seems that you have low egg reserve and therefore you are not getting that many eggs. I'm in the same situation and same age and it's really tough. Some positives / alternatives, depending on your reason for infertility there is actually a higher chance to conceive naturally once you've had IVF. One paper said around 25% that could not conceive earlier can conceive after IVF!Also, IVF is expensive I know, have you considered going abroad, some countries e.g. Czech Republic is only a fraction of the cost. If you're ok not being a genetic mum (but still a biologic mum) there are even cheaper options such as embryo adoption there too but it takes a lot of getting used to before accepting so take your time and think about what is important for you. I'm sure you will become a mum, this is not the end of the road, just a small bump.

For now, ask the clinic about a second transfer. Some people say they get better results after reading and following 'It Starts with The Egg', then relax, track your cycle see if you're one of the lucky couples successful after IVF. Then explore other options. Good luck with everything!

Gemz39 profile image

Thank you everyone for your reply I have been told we can have a second round on the NHS but we might have to use a donor egg not sure how I feel about that. I need to go have a blood test to see what my egg reserve is it was high for my age a year ago but the low eggs means it might have dropped dramatically in a year

Gemz39 profile image

A bit of background there is no way of me getting pregnant without IVF I just hope this round works of not I don't think I will ever be a mum

Gemz39 profile image

A bit of background there is no way of me getting pregnant without IVF I just hope this round works of not I don't think I will ever be a mum

Gemz39 profile image

I am reading it starts with an egg

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