Hi ladies,
I’m currently in my 2ww and I feel like I’m going a little stir crazy. This is my 2nd cycle and I ended up having a double transfer which I really wanted, OTD isn’t for another week. On top of this I’ve just been told at work that my role is at risk of redundancy. As you can imagine this has put a lot of pressure on my well being especially my emotions. I keep crying as I don’t know if I’m going to lose my job, I don’t know if I will or won’t be pregnant and what my future is going to look like. I was so excited to get to this point and I feel like I must be so close to my destiny that in some ways I’m facing more tests and hurdles just to get to it.
Has anyone been in this position at work or has any advice?
I haven’t told them I’ve been doing IVF and didn’t intend on telling if I was pregnant until I was far along. I’m now wondering if I am pregnant should I say something whilst I’m in the consultation period with my employer as I’m aware there are redundancy laws that protect pregnant employees.
It worries me if I am made redundant I’ll lose all my benefits (mat leave) and I won’t be able to find a new job pregnant and will not be entitled to any benefits being at a new company for less than 6 months.
In the meantime I’m trying my best to keep positive for the sake of what I hope are implanted embryos 🤞as having my long awaited family is my priority above anything else 💕
Thanks for reading xx