Hello, newbie here though veteran IVFer. Had transfer of 2 embies and on cyclogest pessaries. Had light pink bleed day 7. Very light and only one wipe. Thought it was all over then realised that was probably implantation bleeding and no more came. Little excited but still dubious. Day 9 and sinuses which had been playing up were producing slight discomfort and lots of green discharge. Made a dr appointment and prescribed amoxicillin should it be needed. At the same time our little’un got tonsillitis and started vomiting every half hour. This continued gir 3 days and overnight. Little to no sleep, abit stressed for three days and he ended up in hospital. Didn’t want to take the antibiotics but other half kept saying I should as I’d had such a bad bought of sinusitis previous month and had been in a real mess with it. Being so tired I caved and despite telling myself not to, took some. I hadn’t wanted to take anything. I’d tested earlier that day (day 10) and super light positive. Started taking the antibiotics later that day and woke up next morning feeling different and not pregnant. Started spotting and then bleeding whilst we were in the hospital. Did I kill them with the antibiotics? Was it the lack of sleep and stress? Although considered safe in pregnancy I really hadn’t wanted to take them during the tww and am so wishing I’d stuck to my guns. Now a physical and emotional mess and bleeding so heavily. Anyone experienced anything similar? Was it the antibiotics? I’m questioning everything.
Taking amoxicillin during the tww - Fertility Network UK
Taking amoxicillin during the tww
Hello. I'm currently pregnant and have been prescribed Amoxicillin (for a bacterial infection) and the midwife told me the reason they chose this antibiotic is because it does NOT cause any harm to baby. Have a look on google or in the leaflet if you need reassurance. Of course ask the Dr or pharmacist if in doubt as of course i personally am not a medical professional, just passing on what i have been advised.
I'm so sorry if it looks like this pregnanancy is over. I have miscarried and went over everything i did that could have caused it and so felt guilty for letting my baby down. Of course we very rarely cause the loss and there's very likely nothing you could have done to prevent it. I get that in the moment we want to find a reason and a blame and turn on ourselves, but sadly some things are beyond us xxx
CarlottaD27 thank you so much for your reply, it is very supportive and I really needed to reach out, so thank you. You’d think after the amount of times we’ve been through IVF (with one success) I’d be able to rationalise things by now but with the implantation bleed and a faint positive, my mindset just clung on to hope. The 2 embies were the same grade as the successful transfer (we’ve had other losses in between then and now) and it was running in exactly the same way. I took that as a sign but obviously it wasn’t meant to be and age is a major element. Just didn’t factor in all the sudden ill health and feel it all impacted what might have gone well, but as you say, it probably was out of my control. Just worried as was still in the tww period. Thank you again for responding, it really does help to speak out and be heard. And congratulations! xx
if your line was super light on day 10 and has gone now it was likely already showing signs of it being a chemical pregnancy before you took the antibiotics and I doubt your doctor would have prescribed them if they were harmful given you were on a 2WW. I’m so so sorry for all you have been through in this wait but the clinic told me most chemicals are either an issue with the environment like low progesterone or more likely the embryo itself had an issue so if it was going to work it would no matter what else was going on. Sending you a big hug 😢💜 and hope you feel better soon xx