Sorry all, I have no one to talk to really as either no one knows OR they think it is fine and won't listen to me!
We are 10+6 pregnant today. We had a viability at 7+3, and it was all normal.
In the last few weeks one of my friends has had a missed miscarriage, one has had a 14 week miscarriage and another found out her pregnancy is ectopic (which I know this isn't, as 7 weeks showed that, but it's just so much sadness). I don't know how to be there for them because my anxiety is through the roof, and I feel awful.
My symptoms have never been bad, a bit of nausea, gone off food and really sore boobs but i feel like they've completely gone except exhaustion.
Ultimately, I think I want to vent/ask for any coping mechanisms to get through to the 12 week scan. I know we're lucky, but I just feel like something is going to go wrong.