So I got my bhcg result today, 3,947 on day 14. Is that a normal result? Someone posted an hcg level chart for the day/weeks but I can't find it now. Does anyone have one? Xx
HCG result: So I got my bhcg result... - Fertility Network UK
HCG result

Yes that’s a great result for day 14. Hope your pregnancy will go well! ☺️
Fantastic number!!!! Huge congratulations!!! I'll try and post the one that someone posted here... not sure how to attach but I'll try xxx
I was searching for the same thing yesterday but found it online in the end after aaages searching google images. Was it a day 5 transfer if so... Day 14 1061 is average and 4130 is high. Sounds really really positive for you!!
Here's where the image was from...
Hope that works. I don't think we can share images here x
Wowzers, that is a brilliant result!! Must have had an early implanter or maybe the embryo split!!💗💗xxx

Hi Hope. That's a very good result. Did you have 2 embryos transferred?? Get your scan booked so you can meet your little bean. Diane
Hi Hope4usall, My results was 4016 on day 14 . I transferred only one embryo and I thought maybe I am carrying twins. I booked my scan at 7 weeks and everything look good with only one baby on board. Good luck x
Great result. X
Huge congratulations... that sounds like a great result. Wooo xx
wow thats super high congrats! x