I had my first egg collection yesterday and I’m already pretty upset by my number of fertilised eggs today, lost around 70% mature eggs as they didn’t fertilise. I know it only takes one and I want to stay hopeful but I’m just so worried 😔 anyone else had similar results to this with fertilisation and achieved embryos?
First egg collection : I had my first... - Fertility Network UK
First egg collection

sorry this happened to you 😞 I had 8 mature eggs on first round but none fertilised! I then had ICSI with 14 mature eggs and only 3 fertilised and I got two embryos still in my TWW. They weren’t great quality either so not looking hopeful! But I’ve been where you are and it’s rubbish! We have IVF first and then ICSI second- people normally have better fertilisation with ICSI so there’s maybe that for you if you didn’t have it! Lots of love

Thank you so much for the quick response and I have everything crossed for you in your TWW 🙏🏼 this has definitely reassured me. I didn’t have the best time on stims so was really hoping to get some frozen embryos but that’s just life with fertility treatment isn’t it- always unpredictable! We did IVF this round but they only decided to do this based on my husband’s sample yesterday. Definitely will consider ICSI if it comes to it. Thanks again and best of luck xx
I am currently in the two week wait, at egg collection we had four mature eggs (including one abnormal). I was devastated, but all four fertilised, and all four made it to day four (had day four transfer). Good luck 🤞
Had 9 eggs collected, 5 fertilized, after 5 days 2 developed to embryo stage and one to morula stage. All that resulted in one beautiful daughter. Keeping my fingers crossed 🤞
I always get low numbers - latest round was 4 eggs, 3 mature, 3 fertilized, 1 5 day blastocyst. And that was better than my last round lol!!

Just wanted to send you a big hug and to say thinking of you Make sure have people around you for support
Look after yourself
Hi, I had five eggs retrieved, four mature, three fertilised and all three made it to day five blasts! I was devastated initially, had my transfer last Saturday 🙂 good luck! 🤞🏼 xx
thank you all for your amazing support. 3 of our embryos made it to top quality blasts and are safely in the freezer ❤️ the remaining 2 are still trying, I am going to get an update on those tomorrow to see if they’re able to be frozen (day 6). So relieved! Able to give my body a rest now as I was a high risk OHSS so having a freeze all cycle. Hoping to go for transfer in 2-3 months. 🙏🏼