Hi All, I had my egg collection at the beginning of March, I then had a period on the 18th March and am due to call to get booked in for FET on the first day of my next period which is now 21 days late. Is this common, has anyone else experienced this?? It’s super frustrating as it’s genuinely the only time I’ve wanted my period to be here. Is it off the back of the medication for egg collection or stress or both?? Trying to stay positive but as you all know IVF is such a lengthy process and it feel like it’s taking forever 😭
No period, waiting on this for FET, c... - Fertility Network UK
No period, waiting on this for FET, can anyone help??

It's normal for things to be out of whack after IVF cycles. Try to put it to the back of your mind & hopefully it'll arrive soon. Easier said than done I know but like you say the stress won't help xx
It's very common for cycles to be irregular after ivf treatment. Have you spoken to your clinic? Try can give you tablets to induce a bleed - provera or norhisterone. Good luck x
Thanks! I contacted the clinic when it was over a week late as it’s totally out the norm for me, was reassured that it can be delayed off the back of the medication, just feeling frustrated and like things aren’t moving as quick as I’d hoped! Been feeling a little PMT in terms of my mood etc but no period yet 🫠 x
Super frustrating! It will eventually come though and I’m sure medication and the excitement/stress are contributing to it. Arrghh !!
If you’re lucky enough to have someone near that does traditional Chinese acupuncture then I recommend an appointment That sorted me out in the end. I was really lucky to have a knowledgeable lady though, it seemed like she could stop and start my cycles. Hugely helpful in the 2ww too.
Best of luck! X