Bowel endometriosis and IVF - Fertility Network UK

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Bowel endometriosis and IVF

Lotofluckneeded profile image
9 Replies

hi all

I have been diagnosed with endometriosis via an MRI last March, it was described as recto-vaginal and deep infiltrating. To treat I would need a laparoscopy.

My gynaecologist (who did a lap on my sister leading to my niece being born) and my IVF consultant recommended that given my age (38 at the time) and going through IVF due to also male factor, that I should not do a lap. I am very lucky to say it’s mainly silent endo in my case.

We are having issues with normal embryos (so far we have only done pgta testing ones on round 6 in Greece and the two blasts were abnormal). Since then we have done round 7 and have an untested blast on ice.

my question is as anyone else been advised to treat their recto- vaginal endo via a lap ahead of ivf. I am paranoid that although endo doesn’t seem to be affecting my response to ivf drugs maybe it’s affecting my egg quality ?! If anyone has any info I would be so grateful. Wishing you all loads of luck with your journeys and sorry for the long post ! X

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9 Replies
Lunasa81 profile image

I had a lap done to flush tubes,found my endometriosis was worse than they thought stage 4 deep infiltrating. Bowel endometriosis with tube adhered to bowel and cysts. They didn't treat it due to fears of further damaging eggs. Eggs were retrieved from ovary with cyst and ivf was successful.

Lotofluckneeded profile image
Lotofluckneeded in reply to Lunasa81

thanks for the reply! And amazing news you had success, congrats 😊

That is really interesting, my clinic does seem to think a lap would only help me naturally get pregnant, but seems we also have other issues to need ivf.

This is really interesting thanks again!

Lunasa81 profile image
Lunasa81 in reply to Lotofluckneeded

Thanks.We tried for a year after lap hoping the one tube that was flushed would work.Long protocol down-reg with the nasal spray on ivf cycle due to endo.

Laurapax profile image

how you getting on? I am in a similar position and trying to work through endo and ivf. It’s so hard xx

Lotofluckneeded profile image

I literally just had my laparoscopy and hysteroscopy last Thursday. They found endo on my uterus and on my gallbladder which has been sorted. He left the stuff on my bowel which means further op potentially down the line. I have mixed feelings about this. Now I’m told to try natural for a few months, after 1 month of healing. Again not sure how to feel about this after 3 years of ivf 😔. Let me know your story. Hope you’re ok xx

Laurapax profile image

I hope you are recovering after your surgery last week, that is good they managed to remove some of the endo. What were your symptoms if you dont mind me asking? I'm sorry you've had a rough time. What are you next steps do you think?

I am having investigations for endo at the moment as i've had two natural miscarriages since ttc 1 in the last 12 months. First miscarriage natural, second MMC. After my D&C I then got ill and was diagnosed with gallstones so had to have my gallbladder removed in March this year. Since then no luck ttc and just starting ivf but I now have lower than average AMH and AFC for my age (37) and I believe I have endo due to hip pain and sciatica on my left leg as well as the low fertility and miscarriages. I feel like I am in a losing battle and I honestly do not know how I find myself in this situation. My GP has referred me for a pelvic scan initially but I know I am sure I'll need more investigations. Take care xx

Lotofluckneeded profile image
Lotofluckneeded in reply to Laurapax

I am recovering well thank you! My symptoms (I mean I call myself really silent endo as really are not bad) sometimes during AF with bowel movements I would get bowel cramps, and also on occasion with intercourse. Been told to try naturally but after 7 rounds of ivf I don’t trust my body, but will see. We have 2 embryos on ice (one of which is from when we had some male factor issues). Not ready to try these yet.

Sorry you’ve been through a lot :( I hope that endo could be the answer, but doesn’t take the sting out of what’s happened.

I actually had endo on my gallbladder.

I took up private health care (before all this) via my job which helped me get to a specialist. I avoided fertility talk for my claim. He got me an MRI and that showed some of it.

I does sound like you have endo pain but it really depends where it is. My sister has so much pain (she has a lap then a natural pregnancy) and hers is different places to me.

Best way to conclude if you have endo is surgery but in some cases MRI can help.

Hope this helps a little xx

Laurapax profile image

I am also otherwise super healthy so this has all come as a big shock to me! Good BMI eat well etc. Such a hard road xx

Lotofluckneeded profile image
Lotofluckneeded in reply to Laurapax

That me! I’m rarely ill, size 10, exercise regularly, eat well, take supps etc. literally never been in hospital until all ferilities issues :(

I hope you get some answers soon xx

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