Hi again everyone,
Sorry to keep bombarding you all with posts, but I am so all over the place at the moment, I don't know what to think!
Now 10dp4dt, I awoke today to more blood. I have now been bleeding continuously for 3 days. Not too heavy, but I never have heavy periods anyway, so this is like a period, especially as I had pretty severe cramping on the day it started too. It is bright red, quite mucusy, no clots but some red stringy clotty bits sometimes.
The thing is, I am still getting positive hpts, and the lines are getting stronger. The pic is the 3 (yes 3, I have become crazy neurotic woman) I did yesterday and, as you can see, the line is getting stronger - the digital one was in the morning, the middle one in the afternoon and the one on the right was before I went to bed. I did another digital one this morning that was still positive.
I know that the only way I'll know for sure is a blood test, which I plan to make them give me after my otd which is Saturday, but my questions are: what on earth could be making me bleed this much if it's not my period and I am still pregnant? And, if it is a chemical pregnancy, when will the hcg stop showing up on the tests? Diane, do you know the answers to either of these questions?
Also, what do you think the likelihood is of my GP agreeing to giving me a blood test before my otd if I was to go and see her?
Thanks all and apologies for being so mental! I'm not sure how much of this I can take - how is it still only Tuesday?!! Xxx