Hello, I know this has been posted about a few times before but I'm due to have a treatment review shortly. I know as part of this review our team are considering whether we should do our next FET in a natural cycle, and I'm interested to hear views and experiences to help me decide what to do.We have unexplained infertility. We have been lucky enough to make top quality day 5 blasts and my lining has always reached 12ish mm within the first 12 days of a medicated cycle. We had one early bleed in our first round but otherwise everything has been textbook. Textbook perfect IVF, except 5 times we haven't made it past test date and have had BFNs throughout.
I had said earlier in this process that I would prefer medicated cycles - I'd prefer the control and the safety of knowing that I wasn't missing out on an easy fix. However, after 5 rounds and no guarantee how many more we might have to do, I'm aware that I'm keen to continue but hating the drugs. And the idea of doing the next round without the numerous side effects is quite appealing, so I'm considering it...
Any and all wisdom welcomed. Thanks!