Hi all,
I am in a cycle of overthinking things, as we do and wondered what others have done.
I am in a one year contract job, which I’m hoping will be made permanent, however, I may have to apply for other jobs internally. I booked my FET transfer days in Oct as holiday but my boss knew it was something medical as I had to ask to work from home for two week prior (so I don’t catch covid) and she said at the time this should be taken as sick leave if I have something medical but I just said I’d keep it as holiday.
I booked my FET for feb days as holiday again (2 days) but again my boss knows it is for something medical because I asked not to come to the office. She is such a nice person and supportive a boss and I would just tell her but she’s off on maternity herself next month and our work system makes you say exactly why you’re off so Im concerned it I apply for internal jobs that it may go against me getting something else (even though it shouldn’t but we know what people are like). Also, it seems in the last week ‘fertility’ has dropped off the list. I know legally they don’t have to let you have time for it. My company is very forward thinking though and probs would but now I’m in dilemma to just keep it as holiday or I could put gynaecological issue or other down? With the risk of HR asking for more detail on the ‘other’ selection.
Sorry for the longest message- I’m usually decisive but can’t decide what’s best so wondered if anyone had been through similar /what they did. Could be all the hormones … 😅