Hi I was wondering if anyone has had similar symptoms and had a positive outcome? I’m really scared it’s not worked. I had a frozen embryo transfer on the 19th of January and I’m due my HCG blood test tomorrow, but I’m driving myself crazy! I had really strong pains at day 4 which kept me up all night and that subsided and I didn’t get much after that but yesterday I started with mild cramps and lower back pain which feels like my period coming. My embryo was grade A and they said it was the best quality you can get and had started hatching at day 5. Was then frozen due to getting OHSS. I’m praying that this is okay 😫
cramps on day 8 and still getting the... - Fertility Network UK
cramps on day 8 and still getting them on day 10 post embryo transfer I’m so afraid it’s my period coming

I just wanted to send you a big cyber hug. I always find the eve of OTD the hardest. I don’t have any answers for you except to say that if AF isn’t here, then we are still in the game. But here is also another mind f**k, even if you do bleed - you may still be in the game. So basically, you’re in the game until you officially test. Im hoping really hard that you find your BFP x
wishing you luck on OTD! Cramps don’t indicate much I’m afraid as can happen in both positive and negative cycles. Keeping everything crossed for you xx
Hi PositiveEm2024 , I did have similar cramps around the same time but was counting DPT instead. But by 9 DPO I had sharp cramps like the worst period cramp (brought me to my knees), and then mild intermittent cramping up until around 17/18 DPO. I then had a coffee looking bleed on 26 DPO and I thought yep definitely over, I was also having shoulder tip pain (which every article I read said miscarriage). I went for my scan at 6 weeks and everything was fine. I’m now 38 weeks and almost at the finish line 🙏🏾.
Some of the symptoms I had during counting DPT/DPO were:
Backache / Nauseous / Mild headache / Hunger/ Breakout on chin / Slightly sore nipples / Bumpy areolar / Nipples seem darker/ Hungry earlier / Thirsty / Moderate constant cramps in uterus / Small dot of dark blood when wiped / Mild cramps - pulling and tingling / Felt gassy / Mild Chest pain / Shortness of breath / Sneezing /Warm in the morning / Weird dry cough
I hope everything works out for the best ♥️.i never was offered a HCG blood test so can’t give you a comparative result but I hope it goes well for you. I have some posts on my page about my journey if helpful to you. Good luck and lots of fairy dust

Hi PositiveEm. Only just read this. Keep your eyes open for a urine infection drink plenty of water and if you continue with pain it’s safe to take two paracetamol four hourly hope everything is okay and fingers crossed for results.Diane