hi there, I wonder if anyone can help please. We did our first fresh embryo transfer at the end of November and I came on my period in the 2ww. I was told to wait for my next period then we can go ahead with a FET- my period was due last Tuesday and still no sign of it. I’m experiencing a lot of discharge too in the last couple of weeks. Has anyone experienced this and how long did your period take to return? Xx
return of period after IVF: hi there, I... - Fertility Network UK
return of period after IVF

Medication can mess up your cycle Maybe you should call the clinic/nurse and see what they think your next step should be
Take care
Its totally normal, I used to drink herbal teas/cinnamon with hot water in order to prepare my body for the transfer, it helps to detoxify your body and prepare your body for the procedure.
I haven’t got advice, but I am in the same boat as you! Came on my period the day before test day, currently only 5 days late but the longer it takes, the longer it’ll be for our second try. Interested in any advice you get given.
I will let you know what they say when I call today but I have a feeling they’ll just say it’s normal and to continue waiting xx
I appreciate that thank you! Yes I’d imagine that’ll be their answer too xx
Hi, I suffered a chemical miscarriage in December, bleeding was extremely heavy for a week. It has been nearly four weeks and I've just got my first proper period. All the medication and hormones on your body can affect when you'll get your period. We were even told to wait for a second period before trying our 2md round and although it's a longer wait I think I'm going to do that to make sure my body is completely back to normal.No real advice as such sorry, just wanted to let you know you're not on your own with it all. Good luck for your second round x
Hi Prettypenny1, how did you get on today what did the clinic say? I just wanted to say I was in the same boat in about October/November time. If you look back on my profile there’s two posts from 3 months ago and there was quite a few replies on there.
Initially the clinic advised me to wait another week and if still no AF to call them and they would induce a period. However due to all my hormones and I was concerned that I might have a new cyst that was delaying my period they agreed to scan me (I have PCOS and grade 4 endometriosis).
It turns out that due to having the Prostap injection for 4 months prior to egg collection and fresh transfer.. the Prostap had actually just worked very well and my ovaries were still quiet/down regulated, and my lining was thin so I wasn’t going to have a period anyway. So I started my medication for the FET without AF first.
I did get a BFP from that FET however i had a bleed and my HCG dropped so unfortunately didn’t work out.
Good luck with everything and hopefully you have some answers soon xx
Mine has been nuts. Normally 26-28 day cycle. First one after ICSI was about 35 days, and then was gearing up for FET after that only to come on on day 13?! This next cycle also looks like it’s going to be a short one, maybe 20 days. Assuming it just takes a while to settle which is a pain having been regular my whole life.