Hi, just wanting to hear some thoughts/past experiences others may have had- I had a 5 day embryo transfer on the 12th Dec meaning I should be 6 weeks pregnant, my beta hcg level was low at 67, but a week later was 572 and is now 7,600 so is rising as it should. I had a 6 week scan yesterday and the radiographer basically said it was measuring small and there was no heartbeat so was unlikely to last. The doctor then however said that even though it is IVF in his experience embryos can all grow in their own time and to remain hopeful. Anyone else had a similar experience?? Thanks!
ivf embryo measuring small - Fertility Network UK
ivf embryo measuring small

Just my own experience, but my clinic advised not to book viability scan until I had passed 7 weeks, as before then it can be hit or miss whether a heartbeat can be seen on a scan…which then obviously can cause a lot of worry when things might be ok.
Have you been advised to have a follow up scan?
Please take care of yourself x
Thank you for replying I have another scan booked for next Friday so am really hoping we see something then. I also have another blood test on Monday and hopefully the hcg will have risen again which will be a positive. I’m a bit concerned I don’t have too many symptoms apart from tiredness and trapped wind/indigestion, I do have sore breasts but have been on progesterone for a while so have also had that for some time. Such a nerve wracking time! Xx
Keeping everything crossed for you!
Symptoms wise you could drive yourself mad…I definitely have! I was similar to you - tiredness and very bloated, sore breasts (but also taking progesterone so 🤷🏻♀️) and not much else. A few mornings I had nausea if I was up too long before I had breakfast but nothing major.
Hello, just another comment to say it could be too early at 6 weeks to see anything! My clinic were also pretty adamant about not scanning before 7 weeks for this very reason. Ultrasounds are also imperfect with measurements, so a different radiographer may have gotten a different result on the same day if that makes sense.
Fingers crossed your hcg results come back high and you see a heartbeat soon 🤞🏼 xx
As everyone said 6 weeks is quite early to always see a heartbeat and measurements at this stage are in mm for differences of a week so very very small and the slightest difference in calculations can mean so much. I didnt have a positive outcome in a similar situation but from my many many MANy hours of scouring the internet that’s not always the case if the scan was as early as 6 weeks, even for IVF so I would defo prepare yourself for what the person scanning said as a possibility but also from what I’ve read and what the doctors said there is defo some hope there too! Really wishing it catches up at the next scan for you 💜 xx
I don’t have experience but just wanted to say everything crossed for you. When you said 6 weeks I thought it sounded early from what others have posted. Radiographer sounds like they are in the wrong job! X
just a little update- I went to the doctors again today for some follow up bloods and was feeling very negative following some backache and light cramping over the weekend. There was a sonographer there who read my report and didn’t agree with what the other sonographer had said on Friday so offered to re-scan. Turns out it has grown over the weekend and she was able to find a heartbeat. Still feeling very nervous and cautious but is obviously positive news for now