7 wk measuring small no yolk - Fertility Network UK

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7 wk measuring small no yolk

AJJ123 profile image
31 Replies

I’ve not been on here for a while, I had my positive pregnancy test and since then I’ve been hanging in the balance.

Had my viability scan today, one embryo found measuring 3.5mm should be 7 and there’s no yolk or fetal pole. It’s empty. They’ve asked that I go back next week for a follow up.

Anyone else experience this? I’ve been absolutely beside myself. I just feel like it was too good to be true anyway.

Is there much chance of things being ok or should I just accept it’s all over.

I really need some advice from ppl who have gone through this, it’s absolutely sh*t and I feel completely alone and lost.

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AJJ123 profile image
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31 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

I haven’t. I’m sorry. I’ve had three miscarriages, two of those were ivf and mmcs but I can’t advise you on your situation. All I can say is I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I hope someone here is able to offer you some advice and hope xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Tugsgirl

Thank you I’m absolutely gutted xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Tugsgirl

I’m sorry for your losses. It’s really not fair. Just carrying on like normal is going to be tough for me xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to AJJ123

Of course it will. That’s only natural. It will take time and it can’t be forced xx

Hey, a lot can change in a week. Hopefully things change for you. Big hugs, I know what it feels like unfortunately xxx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to

Thanks. I hope it does for me but I feel like I’ve had the wind knocked out of my sails. I never really felt pregnant, I was bloated but that’s it. Trying to stay upbeat but inside I just want to scream and throw things around the room xx

in reply to AJJ123

Do you run or box or bake bread? Either that or you can scream into a pillow and that is quite therapeutic.

I have done a lot of research into this when I was going through it in March. There is a chance, either that the person looking just didn't see, or that things can change.

I really hope that this happens xxx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to

Me too, I had a cry in the bath that’s as good as it gets I’m afraid. I just feel like my world has folded.

I rang my GP this evening, she’s referred me to the early pregnancy unit so I’ll get checked over a bit more thoroughly - I hope.


in reply to AJJ123

So they will do their own scan and my experience was that they had a better machine. Also they will take bloods now and then ask you to come back in a couple of days for additional bloods as your previous ones won't compare to theirs. This to understand what your bloods are doing.

I really really hope they see what you so want to see. Xxx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to

Thank you, I really hope it turns out a mistake was made however doubtful.

We’ll see. I asked the doctor from the fertility clinic to call me and explain because the sonographer gave me no info.

They were very quiet and very quick. They just said they’d expect to see a fetal pole at this stage and I should be measuring 7 (whatever their measurement is -mm?). They did say mine could be a late bloomer they can’t confirm a miscarriage until next week.

I’ve had no bleeding - and I’ve been really worried. I will hug my teddies tonight watching tv in bed. Take each day as it comes xx

baby2016 profile image

Really sorry to read this post :( Although i've had numerous losses, i've not experienced this. I really hope things will change in the coming week for you, I know how hard it is waiting for the next scan a week later x

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to baby2016

Thank you xxx

I’ve just been through this and even tho a repeat scan showed some development it still ended sadly for me and I miscarried at the weekend.

Wishing you all the best and truly hopeful for positive news at your next scan 🤞🏻❤️

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to

Oh I am so sorry, this is awful.

I hope your ok. I had imagined a wonderful Christmas this year with our family sharing our happy news, now I’ll be sat there watching them all with their new babies and pregnancies looking like I’ve sucked on a lemon. It absolutely sucks xx

Really sorry to hear this, can’t advise I haven’t experienced this myself ( I had a chemical pregnancy but that is different) but I hope your next scan gives you better news. It must feel awful to be in such limbo. xoxo

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to

Yea it does. I’ve accepted it’s over, I’ll see what happens at the early pregnancy unit this week. Hopefully I at least get closure xx

How many weeks are you? You never know if it’s too early a lot can change in a week or two. My friend though she was 8 weeks she has had 2 mc in a row said she could possibly lose this one too they said it was measuring small went back a 10 days later everything was fine she was 7w. Good luck

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to

I’m supposed to be 7. I hope it’s all ok, but I’ve lost faith at the moment. Measuring half the size it should be, no fetal pole or heartbeat.

I’ve not had any symptoms throughout as it is. This is just the nail in the coffin xx

in reply to AJJ123

Ahh I hope it works out ok for you it’s awful waiting not knowing, sending love x

Sherry07 profile image

I’m really sorry to hear this. I’ve been through the same two times before; for me sadly they both ended up in miscarriage. But I’ve read stories on this forum about people who’ve seen improvements after 1-2 weeks. Wish you all the best with the next scan xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Sherry07

Thanks I’ve got a retroverted uterus and I may be clutching at the last straw but perhaps it was hard to find? I don’t know I just know that it’s the worst feeling of failure. To be given something and before you’ve even had time to appreciate it it’s snatched away xx

in reply to AJJ123

I read that this can even more so mean that they don't always see anything. Or the right thing. Xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to

I hope that’s the case xx

Sherry07 profile image
Sherry07 in reply to AJJ123

Totally agree with Camillage x

Mifkipi profile image

I'm so sorry to be reading this, hope your next scan will reveal some positive news x

Onag profile image

I know exactly what u are going through, my last ivf cycle in july we got pregnant and it had stopped growing just after 6 weeks. I had a bleed so scanned a bit early and then got the confirmation a week later at 7 and a half weeks. Its very tough but we got through it....I then actually managed to get pregnant naturally after 4 years ttc and 2 failed ivf, but sadly we are going through the same again, with query ectopic now or preg of unknown location, so going through it all again.... the not knowing is the worst, u just need confirmation one way or another so u can deal with it. I really hope u get a postive outcome as it does happen, its not over until its confirmed xxx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Onag

Thank you so much I needed to hear something from someone with a similar story. I’m so sorry your going through this. I’ve not bled yet.

I spoke to epu today who I’m seeing tomorrow. They were positive about it but not too positive - I just feel exhausted by it all. I can’t eat, sleep or think. Xx

Onag profile image

The epu scanning equipment is more detailed and fingers crossed they will pick something up and u will get the answers u need. Its very tough. The very best of luck tomorrow xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Onag

Thank you. I really really hope so. I cried my heart our last night xx

runsoncuddles profile image

I'm so sorry you're going through this. I've not been through this myself, I'm only about to start our ivf journey. I hope & pray you receive good news.

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to runsoncuddles

Thank you xxx

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